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On Her Way
10-02-2003, 9:32 p.m.

I can�t believe that right now, right this instant, Tonya is sitting on a bus somewhere making her way here. I wasn�t so thrilled about the bus idea, but if it is what it takes to get her here for a visit, who am I to complain. I guess I would feel better if she wasn�t alone, but I am sure that she will be just fine, and by the time I get to work tomorrow morning, Jen will have picked her up already.

After taking off half of September, I wasn�t brave enough to start asking for days off now, not when things are extremely busy, and not when half of my department will be leaving for a meeting at the end of next week. I did, however, ask for half the day off (my boss is good about letting us take half the day off, he would rather us come in for a couple of hours than not at all) tomorrow, so I *am* excited about that. Jen and Tonya are going to come to meet me for lunch, and then I am going to take Tonya back home with me for the night. Jen was invited to join us, but she opted to give us some alone time, which I do appreciate, even if it isn�t really necessary.

Stephen has offered to take us out to dinner tomorrow night, and then he rented a movie for us to watch, one that I had really wanted to see, so yay. I am going to tell her that we can go out if she would rather, but after not seeing her for this long, just hanging out is going to be wonderful.

Saturday morning I am going to drag her to the gym with me (because I�ve been doing much better the past 2 days, and I don�t want to blow that) and then we are going to head out to Jen�s, where we are going to spend the morning walking around Morris. Later in the evening we have a Princess house party to attend at Sherry�s house. On Sunday we are going to go to Cory�s for dinner. Cory is leaving to camp tomorrow, and won�t be home until Sunday, so we are really going to miss her a lot the rest of the weekend, but at least Tonya is not leaving until Tuesday, so we will be able to spend some time with Cory on Sunday and Monday. That is going to be precious time, Tonya really wanted to see Cory before her little one arrives. This whole long weekend is going to be such a wonderful time, spent with friends, and I am really looking forward to it.

I didn�t get my house cleaned tonight like I had hoped to, so luckily Tonny isn�t very picky about that stuff, meaning she isn�t going to talk about how much of a slob I am behind my back.. or at least she better not, hehe. I so can�t wait to see her!!!

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