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Gumdrop Girls

Gumdrop Girls...

October 03, 2001

I spent most of this day working on my new autumn design for here, and I think it turned out rather cute, if I do say so myself. I have decided that I am going to change my look with the seasons... hehe, that is so me. I do so love to decorate. Now Tonya and Cory are looking for cute stuff for their journals too... awww... Jen, she said, you better not touch mine, LOL. She likes hers, and I am glad she does. It took me a long time to get that one perfect for her.

Another thing that I added to my journal today was a first. Cory thought up the name, Gumdrop Girls, and both she and Tonya have already joined it. Now we just have to get Jen to join, along with anyone else who wants to join with us. Cory asked me what the purpose of a diaryring is...and really I don't know. If anyone can answer that question, please leave me a note with the explanation.

Tomorrow, the monsters are coming. That is what we say when Chrissy and June are coming. That reminds me, I still need to call my MIL and tell her that they will be there for dinner tomorrow with us.... Okay, I called and told her... Sherry is dropping them off at work when they get off school and we will have them until Monday night. Woo hoo, I am excited about having them for a long weekend again. Two in a row, I like that. We are going to go to the Wolves game and tail gate party on Saturday and then to Fright Fest at Great America on Sunday. I wish I could take time off of work to be with them, but my brother can watch them during the day for me (he doesn't start work until 6 pm), and I need to take off the time for Vegas, so I shouldn't take anymore time off now. Still it's tempting, giggle.

Only 3 more days until the first Wolves game!! I told Stephen last night... now I have another reason to love October.. Hockey Season starts... he laughed. He thinks it's cute how much I love hockey and the Wolves. That's a good thing, he won't complain so much then....hehe.

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