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10-04-2002, 9:42 p.m.


October 01, 2002

After a lonnnnnggggg week, I was so glad to wake up and realize that today was Friday! Fridays are, by far, the best day of the week in any case, but after a long stressful week, you can't help but be a little happier just on the simple fact that it *is* friday. Today was no different.

I was pretty busy all morning at work, getting stuff ready for our exam Monday, and it didn't help that we had about 20 students who were taking it early today, some at noon, some at 2. They are going to this huge meeting that is in Vegas next week, as is 3 of the professors in our department, including my boss, so they had given them the chance to take the exam early, which is by far a better option in my opinion, because if we let them take it after the rest of the class, we would have to create a whole new exam for them.. and I so would rather have one exam done early than have to do two.

I also had an appointment today to give blood. They had a blood drive at work, and I signed up for it weeks ago. I almost forgot because I was so busy, but one of my coworkers reminded me in time. That took over an hour too, because I got sick, and they wouldn't let me up. They made me lay there for a while, even after I was feeling better.. didn't they realize I was busy, hehe. I had hoped to run to the bank during lunch to deposit a check and get a savings bond for Kathleen's Christening, but I never did get a chance to do that. Guess I will have to run and do it sometime tomorrow... not I guess.. I *have* to do it sometime tomorrow! The Christening is Sunday. I think my MIL wants me to pick up one for her as well, I better call her and see.

The afternoon was nice.. I was still really busy, but I wasn't stressed about it at all. My boss was throwing stuff at me left and right, because he leaves for Vegas tomorrow, but he will not be back until Thursday, so I have a few days next week to catch up on stuff.. and to get ready for the faculty senate meeting which is Wednesday. It will all come together, I am sure.

Stephen asked if if I could leave around 3:30, which was a surprise because he has to work until 5 most fridays. I was really ready to go, so it was a good surprise. We got out of there, and we decided to go to Wendy's for dinner, so that I could go workout and get all my stuff done that I wanted to do tonight. We went, and boy was I so tempted to eat some of his fries, but I didn't.. I got one of their salads and a baked potato instead and was totally satisfied with it. I got the manderine orange chicken salad, and it was so yummy.. I just got the vinegarette dressing instead of the oriental one they have with it, and I really loved it a lot... I am really liking salads from Wendys lately. After that, we came home, and I got dressed and then headed to the gym for my workout.

After I gave blood, they told me not to lift anything heavy for 48 hours, but it was my circuit traning night. I decided to go ahead and do it, but to take it a little easy on that arm, and I felt good, but my arm is a little sore now. I am glad I did it though.

After the gym I went shopping for a bit.. I needed to pick up gifts for the birthday party I have to go to tomorrow, and I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby to get a new scrapbook album and refills since they were on sale for 50% off and stuff. Then I came home to hang out with my honey.. And that is where I am off to now as well, hehe. Have a great night.

Daily Tidbits

  1. As I was reading my email a few minutes ago, I came across a letter from the wolves saying that they had a pullout section in the newspaper today, so Stephen and I ran out to find a copy, hehe. I was so excited to get one, then as we were almost home, I said, man I should have gotten two.. one to keep and one to cut up for my scrapbook, so we went and looked for a newstand, hehe.. and Stephen couldn't get it open the first time, so I tried.. we took 2 papers from there, since we paid for 2, lol. I was cracking up.. we were both in our jammies and everything. Hey, gotta do what you gotta do.
  2. Tomorrow is Terry and Joy's birthday party, and it's out towards Tricia's house, so we are going to meet at the scrapbook store and then go to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Cory might go too, but she wasn't sure. I hope she does... but either way, I am really glad that we thought to do it. Woo hoo!! It will be fun.
  3. Have I mentioned what my meowskers did? Remember that collar I bought that she could not unbuckle? Well she didn't unbuckle it, it was a success in that way.. instead the dummy chewed it right off of her neck. She is *that* determined not to have a collar on.. man! What a stubborn cat... I guess she wins, I certainly can't afford a new collar every week for her, lol. What a brat.. good thing we love her.

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