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Too Many Kids
10-05-2002, 8:56 p.m.

Too Many Kids...

October 05, 2002

Today was the birthday party for Terry and Joy. I can't remember if I wrote about it earlier and how it was mostly a party for their friends from school. I couldn't understand why she invited us to that, but they are my godchildren, so I wanted to go. I was, however, not prepared for a party with over 50 children. What the hell was she thinking!! She actually let both kids invite every student in their classes, and I think they all came! I was in shock.. it was the worst party I have ever been to. Nothing was organized and it was just so chaotic. They don't even have that big of a house, so it was so crowded. At least I got to see Sherry, Chuckie and June.

Chrissy didn't go to the party, because as Sherry and Chuck put it, "she now has a life of her own", lol. I thought that was cute. I remember not wanting to go to things with my parents when I was her age too. I was sad that I didn't get to see her, but it wasn't unexpected. I love seeing her so involved in being a teenager.. I wouldn't change that for the world. I am looking forward to seeing her next weekend though. I am glad she is coming to see Tonya and the girls before they leave. She said she wouldn't miss that for anything... lol.. let's see what would happen if the boy she likes asked her out, hmmm, giggle.

The party didn't last too long, and I mostly sat around yakking with Sherry and Chuck for a while until they left and then I left about the same time. Chuck was going to take June, Terry and Joy to the movies, and June begged me to go with as well, but I really wanted to get home to watch the Tennessee game with Stephen so I declined. It was nice being asked though. The party wasn't so bad really, I did have a good time, except for the headache I got when Kimmy was screaming after Chuck and I started a cake fight.. opps.. I guess 50 kids and a huge cake do make somewhat of a mess, giggle. Hey at least we were entertaining all these kids, right? it was all outside, snicker...

Before the party, I met up with Tricia at the scrapbook store. I spent way too much money, lol.. but I got some stuff I really wanted, so I am not complaining. Tricia got a little bit, but not as much as she talked me into.. I am going to have to start talking her into more, hehe. We really had a nice time browsing the store though, and then afterwards we went to lunch. We had an awesome lunch at sweet tomatoes, but the time went by much too quickly. I really enjoy spending time with Tricia, more and more so each time. She is becoming such a good friend, and I am glad. She is going to do some stuff with us next week when Tonya is in town, and I am glad for that as well.

Well the game is back on.. I was writing this during half time, hehe. I am going to go cuddle up with Stephen and watch. I had plans to get some stuff done tonight (halloween decorations up and stuff like that) but for some reason, I am just so sleepy tonight, and I don't feel like doing anything at all. I was also planning on doing some halloween crafts, there is some stuff I want to make for the girls before Tonya gets here next week, but I am quickly running out of time, so it's looking like I might not get to that afterall. Awww, I hate it when time gets away from me, but I guess that there is just no way to do everything that I want to do.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a good week this week, eating-wise.. okay until today anyway. I weighed in at 181 today, woo hoo.. but I blew that by pigging out all day. Oh well.. gotta have cheat days.. back on track tomorrow (maybe).
  2. I stopped at Kohl's tonight and got a cute pair of pants to wear tomorrow for the christening with this blouse I bought a while back and never wore. They look adorable together, and I am pleased with the outfit. I had originally wanted to get a dress, but I like what I got better, and I am not disappointed in not getting the dress at all. The pants I got are so very trendy and cute.. they look really nice on too. The whole outfit looks cute, and Stephen loves it, so that makes it even better.
  3. This morning, I wanted to take the pilates class at the gym.. but ugh, Stephen lost my drivers license last night.. long story.. I had it in my jeans pocket from when I went to give blood and forgot to take it out, and he was doing laundry and found it and put it on the shelf.. well we spent more than an hour this morning looking for it, but it was no where to be found. He couldn't remember exactly where he put it, but he thought on this shelf.. well when I was about to give up, I grabbed this pair of jeans out of my clothes basket and found the license.. seems meowskers was playing on the shelf and knocked all this stuff into my basket of clothes.. that cat.. man she is so mischevious... I love her to death though.. lol. Needless to say it was too late to take pilates, so I just went and did the treadmill and cross trainer instead. There is an aerobics class tomorrow.. if I can, I might go take that before I got to Stephen's game with him.. depends on if we decide to go to church or not. We are not sure if there is a mass being said with the christening tomorrow.. so we are not sure if we should go to church or not.. hmmm, decisions, decisions.
  4. Only a few more days until Tonya and the girls are here.. yay! I so cannot wait to see them. It's going to be a wonderful wonderful weekend.
  5. Only ONE WEEK until I see Skates!!!!

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