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October 05, 2001

My nieces, Karolyn and Kimberly are spending the night with Chrissy and June tonight. It was one of those spur of the moment things. Nicole came over with the girls so that I could measure their dresses. I am fitting them for the wedding in Vegas. Well, while they were here, I asked what else they were doing tonight, and somehow it came to be the girls spending the night (I asked them if they wanted to), hehe. I don't mind, I like having the kids around... I like it a lot.

They are all playing still, and I am exhausted and so ready for bed. I think it's time to get everyone calmed down... afterall, tomorrow will be a long day with the Wolves stuff and all (giggle) and it is midnight already.

They had a blood drive today at work. I have B pos blood, and am often asked to donate, as it is one of the rarer bloods. I signed up to do so today, even though it really is hard for me to do, with my small un-coperative veins and all. But I've been wanting to give blood for the past few weeks, so I was glad for the opportunity. It was amazing how many people were doing so today and the lines were long...still I didn't mind.

Actually, the giving blood part was pretty easy this time... she was able to get me on the first stick, which is so unusual, but I wasn't about to complain... Only I had problems afterwards, hehe.. they couldn't get me to STOP bleeding... okayyy... I gave double the amount I think... half to them, half to the floor. Finally after putting ice on it for about 10 minutes (brrrrr) and putting a pressure bandage on it, I was set to go. I had to wear the pressure bandage for a few hours and can I just say OUCH. I have a pretty nasty bruise and my arm is soooooo sore.... still I don't regret it.

Tomorrow is the big Wolves day. I am excited!!! Can't wait... woo hoo. June has been practicing her howl all night long. I think we are all ready!

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