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Wonderful Tonight

Wonderful Tonight...

October 06, 2001

What a wonderful day it's been... what a wonderful night. I am so tired and ready for bed, but oh so happy too. This morning I got to spend a few hours with Kimberly and Karolyn, before I took them home. We even cut the front lawn for Stephen while he was off cutting his mom and dad's lawn...he was so surprised when he got home, and it wasn't so bad with all four girls helping me. We got done quickly enough that I was able to watch ag good portion of the TN game. I really hoped I would be able to, so that was a good thing. They had a good beginning but it kinda went down from there, and they ended up losing by two points... Boooooooo... oh well, can't win them all... we'll get em next time. I think that it's because I didn't have my shirt on, hehe. But I was cold and I wanted to wear a sweatshirt... I think that I need to get me a TN sweatshirt...yah, an orange one, giggle.

We got a little late of a start to the tail gate party, but we got there not so long after we were supposed to. What a great time that turned out to be. The tail gate party was awesome (and going early was fun...especially not having to pay for parking, hehe). We really enjoyed it out there, and it was so neat to finally be able to share this with Jen. I was so glad that they were able to go with. Okay, so the thing that made me the happiest was when Skates still remembered me...giggle, just kidding. Oh, I joined the Wolf Pack Booster Club... so now Stephen and I are in the Wolves Fan Club too.. hehe, this is cute. Stephen talked again tonight about getting season tickets... I don't know who wants to more, me or him. Maybe after Vegas...

The game itself was awesome!!!! I was a little worried about how I was going to like the differences with them being in the new league.. but it really wasn't all that different at all. I really enjoyed myself so very much. The game was so wonderful, and I would say that even if they didn't win, snicker. Seriously though, it was a good game, a good win and a wonderful time. Chrissy and June were so great, all the kids were... and I was so proud of them. They really are so excited about being in Skate's fan club too, and so they really enjoyed themselves that much more because of it... And Jen's kids were the first kids they've ever gotten to go to the game with, and they loved that. It was so nice to watch them all have a great time.

Tomorrow we are going to Fright Fest, and then we are going to stop and see Cory for a bit. It's going to be another long day, but hopefully just as much fun. Fright Fest is a favorite of mine, and I just know we are going to have a great time. And in case the point didn't come across....I am soooooooo glad that Hockey season has started...

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