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Fright Fest

Fright Fest...

October 08, 2001

Yesterday, Chrissy, June and I spent the day at Fright Fest with my mom. It was a great day and we really enjoyed ourselves very much. We got there early, thinking that we would just spend the early part of the day there. I didn't think that my mom would be able to spend too long, since she has a lot of knee problems and being on them for a long period of time is very painful for her. She has one artificial knee and should really get the other replaced as well. But, as the day progressed, she was doing well, and we were spending a lot of time going to the different shows and stuff, and so we were able to spend the whole day there. It was awesome and we had a great time. We did go on a few rides, but we mostly went to shows and ran around taking pictures with all the scary people, giggle.

Okay, I so HATE to admit it, but I even got the life scared out of me at one point. It was at night, right after I sat and told June how none of this was for real and there was nothing to be scared of. The guy in red, in the above picture (a dead bell-hop) came up to us and stared for a while and then asked in a scary voice "Can I get you anything"... I said, Nope and laughed and walked away... Imagine my surprise a few moments later when I turned my head and had him right in my face... Okay, I screamed... LOUD, LOL... he said "It always pays to ask twice" and walked away laughing... Chrissy and June laughed so hard, since they saw him coming up to me and he told them... shhhh, and they did... traitors!!!

We went after that to pick up the picture that they take when you first get there, only they lost ours... so they offered to take another, and Chrissy and June wanted the guy who scared Aunt Vicki in it...and then the girl behind me snuck in too... look at her red eyes... how freaky... great picture, it really shows how much fun we had the whole day.

June did really good, surprisingly, although she was quite afraid at a few points...especially at the Pig-man who made an apperance on the Boo Train Ride...she said that she doesn't think she wants to go to Six Flags at Halloween anymore, lol... then when my mom asked if we wanted to go again later this month, she was like, what about meeeee... guess she is going to give it another try, hehe.

We went to a lot of the shows, which was so much fun, and everyone loved that. They had an elvis show... Dead Elvis and the Tombstones, lol. They were pulling some of the kids up to dance, and so June got to dance with Elvis...she was so very excited about that. It was a fun day for everyone. I was sooooooooooo exhausted though, but we wanted to see Cory, and we headed over there for a bit before heading home. She even fed us, yum. By the time I got home though, I was so out of it, and put the girls right to bed and fell into my own and passed out. Unfortunately, I messed up setting the alarm and made both Stephen and myself late for today's exams. Our bosses were not upset though, so it wasn't too bad, thankfully.

I took the girls home tonight, and I miss them already. I won't see them for a few weeks now since we are going to Vegas... but they are going to come the weekend before Halloween. I think we are going to go to the Wolves game on that Friday, since they are doing a lot of fun Halloween stuff... and maybe to Fright Fest again on Sunday before they go home. I love having lots of plans with them...

I started out tonight writing about all the stuff going on in the world around us... it scares me so much... but I decided that I wanted to write about Fright Fest instead... When I heard yesterday that we started bombing Afganastan, I was glad that we spent the day out..because I know that I would have spent the day in front of the TV watching news, worried and scared... and sometimes it is better to do other things. It is all very much on my can it not be, but I am trying so hard to live my life normally, even when it seems hard.

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