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Our Thing

Our Thing...

October 09, 2001

I was sitting here online this evening, talking with Tonya and reading email. Okay, waiting on Tonny to get back online since she got bumped off, LOL... But I had this urge to go for a walk... with my honey. Only he isn't much of a walker... but I figured that it wouldn't hurt to ask him, right, so I did... and he laughed... but a few minutes later, he came in here and said, see you in a little bit.. I said where are you going, and he said for a walk, let's go... awwwwwww.

We were going to walk up to the video store for him to take a movie back, but then he forgot the movie, duh... so we just walked around the neighborhood looking at all the cool halloween decorations. I so cannot believe that I have not put up my decorations yet, but man, I've been busy lately.

As we walked we talked about things like Vegas and war... what a combination. We are both so excited about going to Vegas...and yet I am so scared too. I really almost don't even want to go. If we didn't already have our tickets, I probably would have said let's not... so in a way, I am glad we already did, because I know that I will be glad I went later on. Things are so different now... now that we are at war... god, I hate saying that... I really do. Nothing is the same, everything is different...and we have to learn to live with the differences, the best we can... I am trying... I really am. Starting with getting up the courage to get on that plane and go to Vegas.

As we walked and talked, I asked Stephen what he was most excited about, about Vegas, and he get's brownie points for saying... I am looking forward to renewing our vows. LOL. We both decided that we want something fun and elvis or something goofy. We were goofing around about how we could renew our 25th year vows in the Church again, and 20 years on a cruise.. and he said, don't you think we will get tired of renewing our vows... I laughed and said "Well, you know how Ross (from Friends) has that divorce thing going.. this could be *our thing*, getting remarried"... we both cracked up at that one. I am so glad we went for a short walk together... it was nice.

Today was a nice day... I got a lot done at work, especially on this project from hell (that's a whole other entry, snicker). I even came home from work, and went shopping, and came home and made dinner. It was so yummy too. As it was cooking, I cleaned the family room up and then sat down to watch Buffy. I still think that Spike is just so yummy. Now I am watching Emeril...and getting some more cooking ideas. I have been really wanting to cook new and different things lately. Today I made a recipe of Cory's... Stephen loved it..Thanks Cory, and tomorrow I got the stuff to make another new recipe...this is fun.

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