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Dinner/TV Night

Dinner/TV Night...

October 11, 2001

Wow, I cannot believe that a month has already passed since America was attacked. And yet, then it seems like so long ago in other ways as well. Life is different in many ways, but yet the same in many ways too. I think that as more time passes, the more you are able to put it out of your mind. I know I will never forget, and I know that I will never feel as safe as I did before this all happened, but life has a way of going forward, with or without you. Sometimes I just want to scream, Wait, I am not ready... let's sit here for a minute...

Tonight is our dinner night with Stephen's parents. Stephen told me to call them to make sure that they were going to be home.. don't want a repeat of last week that is for certain. But his mom called me before I could call her. She was going to Timmy's soccer game but she will be home before we get there, and she would like very much for us to still come. I am glad, because I really enjoy our dinners with them. I am glad that we started this little tradition.

Thursday is also my big TV night... so we always make sure we are home before the shows start. Stephen and I love to watch Friends together, but then we watch different things, hehe. Tonight, we are going to tape Friends, and I am going to watch Survivor while he watches something else. Then I watch Charmed and then ER... then before bed we will watch the tape of Friends... phew.. that's a lot of TV. But then, I love each of those shows a lot, and wouldn't want to not watch them. I even like that they are all on on the same night.. it's nice to have one big TV night. I do watch a few other shows on other nights too... 7th Heaven on Mondays and Buffy and Gilmore Girls on Tuesdays... but those are really the only shows I watch on a continous basis. I might watch an episode here and there of other shows too...or have them on in the background while I am working on my scrapbook stuff, or playing online in the evenings... But on Thursdays... I don't do anything but lay around and watch the shows I mentioned above... no scrapping... no computer... nothing to make me miss any of it... I am a goof, LOL. I even am writing this now, so that I don't have to get on the computer later to write it.... :::Standing up::: I am a Thursday night TV addict and my name is Vicki.

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