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Vicki Box

Vicki Box...

October 16, 2001

Jen called me on her way home from the grocery store to tell me about her new Vicki box. LMAO... I said, what the heck is a Vicki Box. She bought this box while she was shopping, and it's going to be for the stuff that she has to give to me, so that wouldn't forget... awwwww, I have my own box at Jen's house, giggle. She put it in the Guest (read, Vicki) room. I love it... it really made me smile and feel happy. I do so love having Jen close like this. It has been so wonderful, and all of our fears were for nothing. We've even had a major fight already while she has been living here, and we survived it, and it was okay. I am so glad that things are going so wonderfully.

Speaking of things being wonderful, Stephen and I were talking about that today as we ran out to get lunch. We have been getting along so wonderfully lately. As we were leaving Frankies Deli, I said something silly and he started cracking up... then he gave me a big squeeze and said "I like it so much better when we are getting along, we have so much fun together". I laughed and said as compared to when we are not getting along? LOL. Seriously though, Stephen is my best friend on top of everything else. I love him so much, but I like him too. I like being with him, doing things with him, even doing nothing with him. Last night when we were laying in bed, he was drawing on my arm with his fingers and he wrote out "I want you"... we were cracking up because I told him that I was cutting him off until Vegas... he said, you mean I have to marry you again to get sex? We were laughing so hard when I said yup... he started tickling me, and I tickled him back. Did I ever mention that I am the only one that can tickle Stephen? Another thing that I love.

Did I mention that he brought me roses on Thursday? Yup, he did. Awwwwww... this man is not a big flower buyer, but he has been doing so many little things lately to make me happy... Like trying to give me some of his Vegas gambling money yesterday, to put aside for my VA trip. I wouldn't take it, but it meant so much that he tried. We are going to have such a wonderful time in Vegas together, and I am really so looking forward to it now. I am not even really scared anymore, okay a little bit, but you know what... even if something was to happen, I would be with Stephen, and somehow it would all just be alright. Maybe not alright, but I wouldn't be alone... Cory said today that our Story is that we are two people who love each other so much that we had our vows renewed twice in our 10 years of marriage so far... I like that our story has us as a couple in love.. and in love I am.

Today is a good day. A very good day... who knows what tomorrow will bring, I think that I will just hang on to today for today... I like it.

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