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October 17, 2001

Man, diaryland is down right now, so I can't get on to post this entry, and I am so tired that I almost don't care, but I decided to write this in my email anyway and post it in the morning. I think that I am addicted to writing in my journal... I almost feel guilty if I don't do it... hehe.

So today Jen came to have lunch with me finally... LOL. Seriously, I know that she has so much to do, and I know that once things calm down for her, we will have more opportunities to get together, but I was so glad that she was able to come today, especially since I am so scared of flying on Friday, and she brought me some xanax... thank goodness for that.

She was going to bring lunch for us, these yummy sammiches that she wants me to try. But I talked her into going to Portillos instead. We have been telling her how awesome Portillos is, and so I wanted her to try it. It was yummy as usual, and she really liked it too. As we were leaving though, she mentioned how she would like to kidnap (read Vicki-nap) me for the afternoon. At first I thought, there is no way, I have Friday and Monday off work, and have sooooo much to do before then... but then I remembered that my boss was golfing for the afternoon and thought well maybe I can shop for an hour or so... but then just decided, what the heck, let me check with the rest of the department and see if there is anything pressing that needs to be done immediately. And there wasn't... so I let her kidnap me for the day. I am glad too, we had fun.

We did some shopping for some stuff she needed to make a shower... and then went back to her house and started on Nicole's room... Ohhh how adorable it turned out... we got one wall done, with cork board and ivy...she took a picture, maybe she will post it in her journal, or ask me to do it for her I should say, hehe. The important thing was that Nicole loved it.

I really enjoyed this, and am again so glad that Jen is living here. In some ways it still feels so not real, and in others, it feels like she has been here forever... I like forever.

When I got home, I had some goodies in the mail from Tonny... awwwww, thank you Tonny... you do so much, and I don't deserve that.. you are awesome. Jen got her goodies too while I was there, and loved them as well... I wonder if Cory got hers... giggle.

Well... I am really tired, and still have so much to do to get ready for Vegas... tomorrow is going to be a crazy day... I am so looking forward to the whole experience. Wish I could Cory-nap, Jen-nap and Tonya-nap my friends to Vegas with me though... I will just have to get them each a little something and bring Vegas to them.

Note: I wrote this last night, but Diaryland was down, so I am posting it here today... I am obsessed!

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