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Sweetest Day
10-18-2003, 8:12 p.m.

We were supposed to go to my mom�s today to help her do some stuff but she called this morning and said that my brother wasn�t coming cause he is sick, and that she isn�t feeling so great either, so we would do it another day. I thought about going out to Jen�s for the day, or meeting Chuckie and June at Great America, but then Stephen asked if he could take me out for breakfast for Sweetest Day, and I decided to just spend the day at home with him, and I am so glad that I did.

My mom called while we were at breakfast and said that she decided to paint her family room, and she tried to get me to come over to help, and part of me really feels like I should have gone to help her, but I was really enjoying spending time with Stephen already and so I took a pass. I ran out and got some stuff that I wanted to pick up, including some fall silk flowers, to do a vase for my dining room table. It turned out sooooooooooo beautiful, and I even put some leaves in the bottom of the vase, and it just looks great. Stephen was even impressed, hehe. That is really not my strong point, flower arrangements, so I am really glad that it turned out so nice. I picked up some stamping stuff for my Christmas cards too, and worked on some of that this afternoon, and I got more of my fall decorations out, and got some grocery shopping done, and got the kitchen clean.. so it�s really been a productive day.

Since Stephen took me out to breakfast for Sweetest day, I decided to make him a nice dinner. He wanted Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and it turned out so yummy. I am glad I stayed home and did all that I did.

Last night was a lot of fun at Jen�s. I had a great time at her party, but even more so before hand, hanging out with her, Deb and the kids. I got home late though, and was so tired, I fell right into bed.

Now Stephen and I are watching the Wolves game. Well I am watching the Wolves game (have I mentioned how much I am loving that they are showing all of their games on TV this year?), and he is flipping between that, the blackhawks and the world series. I am in a mood to organize my craft stuff.. uh oh, watch out. That should be a complete mess, but it so needs to be done, so that is where I am off to. Wish me luck. Actually, once I get moving on it, I usually like doing it, it�s just the actual starting that is hard.

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