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Sports, Sports and More Sports
10-19-2003, 9:14 p.m.

Today was a really nice day, both weather wise, and just in general. It was in the 60�s and just so sunny and beautiful. A perfect day for a homecoming. Today was St. Sym�s homecoming and we got up early so that we could get to Stephen�s mom and dad�s and not miss anything. We had a little while, so I went up to the park to shoot the basketball around for a while, and then we went back to walk over to the parade with Stephen�s mom and dad. This is Jake�s last year, as he is graduating this year, so it was extra sweet getting to watch. They were all in the parade, and they all got excited to see us there.

Both the boys are on the varsity team this year, so we didn�t stay for the start of the JV game, but we did walk up to the park for half-time so that we could see Amy in the half-time show (she is a cheerleader). She did such a great job! We went back to mom and dad�s for a while (they live about a block from the park) and then went back for the boys game. We got there early to watch them be announced and it was sweet this year, because they had each of the players and cheerleaders give their moms a flower� aww. The game was great, and we had a lot of fun being there with the family. I played a lot with James, and he, Stephen and I got into a grass fight. I think I still have grass on me somewhere.

After the game, we all went back to mom and dad�s. The Bears/Seahawks game was on, so I put on my Seahawks jersey.. hehe. I took a lot of grief for that one, since the whole family is Bears fans. Hey, I am a Bears fan too, they are just my 2nd team, hehe. I had fun though, especially since the Seahawks were winning. We left at halftime though, cause Stephen wanted to get home so we could flip between the football game and the Wolves game. I was a little disappointed though, because I was having fun over there, and I wanted to stay for dinner, but once we got home, I was glad, cause I really did want to watch both games. So we had dinner and flipped through the games. Both the seahawks and the wolves won, so it was a good sports day in our household.

I decided to go for a walk after the games. It really is such a nice day out, and while it has gotten a little cooler now at night, it was perfect for a walk. Now it�s time to get ready for work tomorrow. Man, I dread Mondays. I do so love my job and I like working, I just don�t like Monday mornings.

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