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Not so Far
10-20-2003, 8:22 p.m.

Saturday, I cleaned the kitchen really good, and so far, I�ve actually kept it clean, including doing dishes after we eat and all that. Normally, we do the dishes when we get home from work, then make dinner, eat, and leave those dishes for the next day. I love having a clean kitchen though, so I really would like to get in the habit of doing the dishes after dinner. So far, so good, but we will see how long that lasts. I told Stephen that I should be good for this whole week because Jen is coming over for breakfast on Saturday morning and I am going to want my house to be clean then too, hehe.

I went to the gym tonight, and while I�ve gone sporadically over the past few weeks, I�ve noticed that I�ve not gone 2 days in a row in a long time. Yes, I am so ashamed, I have so totally slacked and it really is showing. My clothes are so uncomfortable right now, and it�s really time to get my butt back on gear. The good news is that I had the best workout that I�ve had in over a month, and it felt good. I know that if I can just keep it going for a couple of days that it will only get easier and easier. It just is a matter of getting it going, and lately that has just been impossible for me to do. I have hope though. I figure that one of these days when I say that I am back on track, it�s really going to be true, lol.

I realized today just how close Christmas is coming! I mean, it�s not like it is next week, but it�s not all that far either. Time to start shopping, that is for sure. I called my SIL today to see if they were going to want to do grab bags again this year, and she sounded like that is the case. Partly that makes me sad, because I do love buying gifts for everyone, but then again, who am I to complain when it will save us really a lot of money. I told Stephen that I would like to get a new table and chairs for the kitchen this year as our Christmas gift to each other, so maybe we can do that. That would be nice. I have been coming along with my Christmas cards too. I am enjoying making them, and it�s really not so hard to get a couple done here and there. I am glad that I decided to make them this year. Really though, it�s not any cheaper, in fact I think that it�s cost me more money than buying them would have, and it�s definitely not a time-saver.. but it�s something that I think really is a special touch. I am glad I am doing it. I think that I am going to ask Stephen if we can do pictures this year, to put in the cards we send to family and close friends. Maybe I can even get him to smile, lol.. yah right.

Well Cory just called to tell me to watch this program that she has been trying to get me to watch for a long time, so I am going to go watch that. See Cory, I do listen, sometimes .

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