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Check... Check... Check
10-20-2002, 10:21 a.m.


October 20, 2002

I am going over my list, just trying to be sure that I didn't forget anything important.. I have this..check.. that.. check.. this this and that..check..check..check...oh the joys of packing. It is not so easy for me, because there are just things that I cannot stand the thought of not having with me should I need them. I am such a pack rat to begin with, hehe.

I so can't believe how quickly this came, we are going to be leaving here in a little over an hour. I hope that the next few days don't go by as quickly as the last few have, hehe. Well let's see, I've gone and gotten Cory's cold!! I had been fighting it off all week, and even though I had a few days of feeling crummy, it wasn't too bad, and I was feeling better... then this morning I wake up, and I have it, full blown.. sore scratchy throat, congestion, runny nose, fever, the works.. oh yay! I refuse to let a cold ruin my time though. I got up about 8 this morning, and the gym doesn't open until 9, so I decided to go for a walk outside since it was so nice. I needed to run to the grocery store for cat food anyway, so I walked there as well (all together, almost 4 miles this morning, yay me). While I was at the store I got some orange juice and some alleve severe cold pills. I popped them right away, along with some advil for my headache, and I can feel myself drying up already, so that's a good thing. Hopefully between all that and my vitamins, this will pass quickly. I am sure that the warm weather in Vegas won't hurt either.

Speaking of warm... have I mentioned that I am always freezing all of the time now? I am not even kidding, I am always cold. I feel like Tonya who is known for always being cold. Stephen laughs at me all cuddled up all the time, I can't stand it. Jen says that it's because of my weight loss, and I guess that makes sense... but man... sometimes I feel like my fingers and toes are going to fall off from being numb. I can't wait to be able to wear shorts and bask in the sun.. later today, hehe.

Stephen is making us breakfast right now, and then I have a few more things to get together for us. I ended up doing most of his packing for him too.. men, lol. I don't care, I am so looking forward to this, time to spend with him... it's going to be wonderful.

Well, time for me to get moving. I still need to take my shower, and like I said get a few more things ready. I hope that everyone has a great week...

Daily Tidbits

  1. Viva Las Vegas!!!
  2. Oh, and happy 1st Anniversary to Kevin and Nicole!
  3. June called me this morning to tell me how much she will miss me and to tell me to hurry back home.. and then asked, when do we get to see each other again? Awww, I love those girls, and miss them so much when they are not around. I promised her a good present from Vegas though, which of course cheered her up, hehe.
  4. Okay, breakfast is done, and I am out of here. Bye Bye!

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