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Creative Mood
10-23-2003, 9:11 p.m.

I have been feeling rather creative lately, which means that I�ve been planning on working on this and that and the other thing, and I have a feeling that it�s going to catch up with me eventually, and then I will end up totally overwhelmed. I start out with the best of intentions.. oh I can do this, I can do that.. and it sounds all wonderful, but I never add up how all of those things together will take up most of my time.

Tonight I wanted to get Kathleen�s costume started, since I really have to get it done this weekend, and I did cut out her cape at least, but now I am tired, so I guess it can wait until tomorrow. We have been getting home so late all week, so that really takes up a lot of my time. I am not worried about it though, hehe.

Tomorrow, I HAVE to shop for our costumes for the Halloween party that we are going to on Saturday, and I also have to plan what I am going to make for Lunch for Friendship day Saturday� giggle. Jen and I have made a pact that we are going to spend one Saturday a month together, even if it turns out only to be an hour. We really need to make more time for each other, and I think that it�s going to be such a great thing. Saturday is our first, and Jen is coming here for lunch, and to work on some Christmas crafts (she is doing some ornaments, and I want to make some gift bags for Christmas gifts for work, which reminds me I need to make a supply list). That will be lots of fun. See, creative mood.. I even talked Jen into being creative with me.

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