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Clean Bathroom

Clean Bathroom...

October 25, 2001

I came home from work today and got the house cleaned up. I mopped the floors and cleaned the bathroom. Boy did it need it. I surface clean it alot, but only occasionally scrub the tiles and all that kinda more time consuming stuff. I am always glad after I do it though, and it always looks so much nicer. I just wish it were more fun of a job.

Since I was cleaning, Stephen decided to order a pizza, instead of making me cook, or making me eat left-overs again. It was okay, but I am not really a huge fan of pizza. I got to have my fried cauliflower though and that was pretty yummy. Still I didn't have to cook and that was a good thing. By the time I was done cleaning and all that, it was time for Friends. The shows were really good tonight, and not messed up, hehe. I haven't been getting into survivor this time around, I don't know why, I just haven't been. I figure why force it.

Tomorrow is the Wolves game... woo hoo. I am looking forward to that, and still have to get the girls stuff ready for it. We are not coming home before the game, so I don't want to forget their autograph books and stuff. And my Jersey, and their shirts, and and and... it will be fun :) Jen and Don and the kids are spending the night tomorrow night after the game, and we are all going to Navy Pier on Saturday for their Haunted stuff. It will be a fun weekend. I told my brother that I would take Brian with us on Saturday too and that should be fun. I look forward to spending the time with him, and Chrissy and June love it when he is around.

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