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Full Weekend

Full Weekend...

October 27, 2001

Wow, this is the first time that I've even been on the computer since Friday afternoon, and it's almost midnight Saturday. It's been such a full weekend so far, but oh so much fun. We went to the Wolves game last night. Well first, I had to go to the bank and then to pick up Chrissy and June, then back to work to get Stephen, so by the time we got to the game, I had already done tons of running around. First, I stopped to pick up our tickets at will-call, and they were short a ticket... ugghhh. There was noone from the wolves office there at the moment, so I had to wait... and decided to go back after dinner. We went to Steak and Shake, and shortly after we ordered, we got a surprise.. Jen and Don and the kids joined us. Awww, I had told them we would be there, but I wasn't expecting them to join us, and that was a great surprise. By the time we got back, they had my tickets fixed and we were off to the game. Great game, even though they lost... but still, I love them win or lose. The only downer was that Don really didn't want to be there and it showed. He didn't have an ounce of fun, and at first I was sad, but then I realized that this is something I do for me, and I can't change it if someone else doesn't enjoy it. I just won't ask them to go with us anymore, and if a game comes up that they want to go, well, that's great, and if not... I will still enjoy it for me! I am sure that Jen will still occasionally go, and at least they better go for my birthday game... that's all that really matters.

After the game, they had the post game autograph session, and I had Chrissy take my jersey with her to get autographed.. WOO HOO... finally some autographs, giggle. I was so excited, so were they. It was fun. Then when we got home, I had a big surprise. Tonya bought me a burgundy jersey, and it was here!!! OMG, it's so awesome and I am so happy... Thank you so much Tonny... I so can't wait to wear it to the games in VA. Now I have both jerseys and I am so excited about that. Yipppeee!!! I can't wait to give her the TN jersey that I bought for me. I know she is going to love it. They won today by the way... Go Big Orange!

Jen, Don and the kids spent the night, and I am so glad that they did. It was nice waking up and having them here, and making breakfast together and just hanging out. I enjoyed that so much. I enjoy having them close enough to do these sorts of things. I know I keep saying that, but it just keeps getting better and better. While we were getting ready to go to Navy Pier for the day, Don did a couple of fix-it things for me.. AWWWW, thanks again Don, that meant so much to me. I didn't even ask him to do it, he offered and it was so nice of him to do so. Again, I love them all so much, and love having them close.

We had a great day at Navy Pier today!! I really enjoyed that, so did everyone else. It was just a whole lot of fun. The kids were all so well behaved and it just was nice. I took Brian with us, and he did really well in the haunted manor, even though he didn't want to go in, hehe. I was proud of him, of all of them really. The funniest part of the whole day though was watching Jen on the Huge Ferris Wheel... she couldn't sink any further into her seat, giggle. I was scared too (I am so afraid of heights), but watching her eased my own fears. And the view.. it was breath-taking... it was already dark out, so the lights were on everywhere, and it was just so pretty. Chicago really is a beautiful town.

While we were having lunch, I had to take June to the bathroom, and was able to sneak back to this shop and buy this beautiful angel windchime for Jen. I saw it as we walked past and so wanted to get it for her. It's so perfect for her house, and I've wanted to get her something special, but just hadn't seen the right thing yet. This was it, and I hope that it brings her a smile everytime she hears the chime. I hope that she loves it as much as I hoped she would. It was so perfect for her. I can't wait to see it hanging on her front porch.

We spent time exploring downtown before we headed home...well Michigan avenue anyway...hehe. It was fun, and I liked seeing them get excited about things that I sometimes take for granted, having lived here my whole life. It's nice to see things thru the eyes of someone new sometime. Don offered me a tour of their downtown Morris...giggle... don't blink!!

I was going to spend tomorrow at my mom's, but she took a rain check.. she said she has stuff to get done, and really, that is so okay with me. It's been such a full weekend, that I will totally love spending the day doing nothing!!! I think I will work on my scrapbooks some...something that I haven't done in weeks now. Well at least since before Vegas.. Gosh, it seems so strange to say that... I still haven't even wrote about my trip. Maybe I will spend some time doing that tomorrow too. Ohhh and an extra hour of sleep since you turn back the clocks tonight... yay!

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