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An Extra Hour

An Extra Hour...

October 28, 2001

Gosh, I love getting that extra hour at this time of the year... although what I don't love is knowing that it gets dark earlier now. I hate how it is still dark when we get to work, and already dark when we leave. I love sunlight... it makes me happy and really brightens my mood. Oh well, it's a part of life. At least we got an extra hour out of it.

So, what did I do with my extra hour today? NOTHING!! lol. I really did spend this day doing not much. Let's see, we all slept in a little bit, and then the girls and I got up and I cleaned the kitchen while they worked on their homework, then I made breakfast and woke Stephen up. He cleaned the kitchen after breakfast, and I washed my Wolves jerseys (I love saying jerseyssss, plural, hehe), so that I could pack them up for VA. Then I helped the girls with their homework and talked on the phone for a bit. Chrissy had to picka project to do for language arts out of a list of a few, and she chose to make a scrapbook, about this book she had to read. She was excited about it, and although she didn't have to start it until next week, she decided she wanted to. So she asked me to scrapbook with her, and I did a little (I finally got my 2001 book started).. but mostly I kept going back to the book that I am in the middle of. June was playing on the computer and kept wanting me to be in here with her too, so I compromised, and read my book in here, while Chrissy scrapbooked in here. Everyone was happy. Works for me.

I was sad as usual when Chuckie got here to pick up the girls. I really do love having them around. I probably won't see them for a few more weeks now, so I am going to miss them bunches. Chrissy said something cute yesterday... Lain said something about me, and called me her mom.. she said.. she is not my mom, she is my aunt... Lain said, really? I thought she was your mom. Chrissy said, that is because she is practically my mom too... LOL.. it was cute. I love knowing how much they love me in their lives, as much as I love knowing they are in mine.

I am getting tired early tonight, which is probably a good thing since I have to be into work so early tomorrow for an exam.. Maybe it won't seem so early because of the time change... Maybe that extra hour will come in handy tomorrow too.

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