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Pumpkin Farm
10-27-2002, 6:20 p.m.

Pumpkin Farm...

October 27, 2002

Yesterday when I picked June up, she asked if there was a pumpkin patch at Six Flags. I asked her how come, and she said cause she didn't get to go to one this year yet, and she really wanted to. Awww. We usually take them to the one up at the park by Stephen's mom's house, but it was the day of Katie's Christening, so we didn't go this year. I felt bad, when I realized that she missed going, I honestly didn't think she would notice either way, but I guess I was wrong.

So as you can probably guess by now, I decided to take her to the pumpkin farm today. At first I was going to take her alone, but I decided to call Sherry and Chuck to see if they wanted to go along. Sherry was out picking Chrissy up from her sleep over but Chuck said that he would like to go, and would call me when they got home. In the meantime I called Jen to see if she and Nicole wanted to go, but they were on their way to see a movie. Sherry called back a while later and said that they would meet us there in an hour or so, so June and I headed out. We had to stop for gas and stuff, so I wanted to give us some extra time to get there.. and besides, I wasn't exactly sure how to get there, although I think that we had been to this one once before when Chrissy was a little girl.. I sorta remember it.

We got there a few minutes before they did, but we didn't have to wait long, which is a good thing, since June was anxious to get in and see everything, hehe. She was so excited and I am really glad that we decided to go. We walked around for a while, and went in the haunted barn, and then we went on the hay ride, and stopped in the pumpkin field to look at pumpkins. June wanted to pick a pumpkin out right then, but Sherry and Chuck wanted her to wait so that they didn't have to lug the pumpkin around for the rest of the day, which totally made sense. We then went to the pig races, and then the petting zoo. I bought June a bag of carrots there, and she got to feed the animals which she totally loved doing. Chrissy didn't want to do any of it.. I guess she thinks she is too old for that stuff now.. lol.. I don't know about her, but I had fun feeding the animals with June.

Chuck's foot was hurting him, and Sherry was cold, so we didn't stay quite as long as I would have liked to, but we got to do a lot while we were there, so I guess that was ok. We let the girls pick out their pumpkins, and Chrissy picked a 22lb one and June got a 10lb one. They were cute picking out the perfect one. I think they were both happy with their pumpkins, at least until they had to carry their own to the car, then I think they wished that they had smaller ones, lol.

I said my goodbyes and then headed home. I had to go past the forest preserves on my way home, and I saw 3 deer playing. I stopped to watch them for a few minutes, but by the time I thought to take pictures they took off.. man.. lol. They were beautiful though. Now, I am hanging out with Stephen and making our dinner. It feels later than it is.. but I guess I am just messed up with the time change last night, lol. Back to work tomorrow.. oh yay! I hate the end of vacations!!!

Daily Tidbits

  1. I am thinking about sitting down to scrapbook. If I can get up the motivation to do so, I haven't done a page in a while.. but in a way I just feel like laying down and watching tv or reading some more of my book. Who knows what I will do.
  2. I wanted to go for a walk since I didn't go workout earlier.. but in a huge way I just don't feel like it. I think that I am going to just start fresh tomorrow and work on getting back on track. Hopefully that won't be so hard. I guess only time will tell.
  3. Stephen was disappointed that I didn't bring him a pumpkin home, lol. I told him that he should have gone with me.. lol. He said that he was nice and stayed home from basketball to spend the morning with June and I.. yah, that was nice.. but if you want a pumpkin, ya gotta do the work, hehe.

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