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The Little Things
10-28-2002, 9:52 p.m.

The Little Things...

October 28, 2002

Isn't it funny how a conversation about one thing can get you thinking about other things, some related, some not? It's like once your mind starts going, it just doesn't stop, and who knows where it will lead you. A conversation I had with Cory today got me thinking about things that I take for granted, and no, we were not even talking about things we take for granted, lol. I don't know when I stopped making an effort to do the little things for people... things like handwritten notes, thank yous and otherwise. I take it for granted that they know that I am grateful, but that isn't always the case, is it? When did I stop writing letters... you know the kind you have to site down and actually write with a pen and paper, stick in an envelope and mail? Email is so easy, and so fast... but it is not as satisfying as recieving a letter or card in the mail. I so hate it that I do not take the time to do these things. In fact, there are so many things that I have to mail to people.. and yet they sit around.. because I am too lazy to go to the post office. How insane is that? I need to make an effort, an effort to do the little things, because let's face it, to someone else, they may not be so little.

After I started thinking about these things, I realized that I really should do something nice for Stephen's parents to thank them for all that they did for us last week. They paid our airfare to Vegas, and they used up some of their comps to get us free rooms, free tickets to a show we wanted to see, free meals.. those are not little things, and while we did thank them and tell them how much we appreciated it, it certainly deserved more than that. I was going to order flowers to be delievered, because Liz really does love flowers and plants, but I decided that I wanted to go get them instead and stop by, and give them huge hugs and thank them again ourselves. They do so love it when we just pop in for a while. So we stopped on our way home and bought them a huge plant (it's beautiful, with like 4 different types of plant in it) and then I asked the florist to stick in there a lot of pretty fall flowers. It turned out to be beautiful, really really beautiful, he even put some pretty leaves in there, and it just looked so autumny. We wrote out a nice card, letting them know how much their generosity meant to us, and then we went to visit with them. You should have seen their faces when they read the card.. it meant something, it meant a lot, and I am only sorry that I didn't think to do so right away. Granted, we paid for some meals in Vegas for them, and I did a lot of running around for them... getting them what they needed, helping them and such, and I feel good that I spent the time doing all that... but I am really glad that we took the plant over tonight too. I tell you, sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.

So today was a long day for me. I had to be in to work early for an exam, and I am not even exxagerating when I tell you that I didn't even have my coat off before they buried me in work. Not that I totally didn't expect it, after having been gone for a week, and knowing that Walt's grant is due on Friday.. but at 7 on a Monday morning, you want to just get a cup of coffee before you are buried in work, lol. Actually though, it's nice to be needed, and being busy certainly made the day go by quickly, and it kinda got me back in the work mode really fast, which is not really a bad thing. The only bad thing is that I didn't have time to tell everyone about my Vegas trip, and I felt bad having to tell them over and over that I would tell them later.. hey, I want to brag too, ya know.. and by the time I am not so swamped, they won't care anymore.. how much of a bummer is that, lol. It is going to be a crazy week, but I expect that, and maybe it will make the week go quickly. I told Walt that I would come in early tomorrow to help him with the grant stuff.. what was I thinking? I volunteered too, man. I guess I better get to bed early.. like soon, hehe. Is this one of those little things that is supposed to make me feel better?

Daily Tidbits

  1. Man, I had a hard time making myself go workout tonight. Funny how quickly you get out of that habit and how long it takes to get back into it. I did go though, and for that I am glad. It's always the 2nd day that is the hardest, so I am sure that tomorrow will suck, but then it should get easier.. should being the operative word.
  2. I had to go shopping tonight to buy a new winter coat. They are calling for flurries this week, and I had given all my winter coats away because they were too big on me. Nothing like a coat that lets all the cold air right up it because it's too big.. lol. I went to Sears and I found a really nice coat that I love, and some new gloves too.. so I am all set, bring the flurries on, brrrrrrr.
  3. Even harder than getting back on track with working out, is getting back on track with food. I want to snack soooo bad right now, but I am not going to do it.. I am not going to do it.. I really should go to bed, hehe. I think I will go read for a while..until I fall asleep. I am almost done with the book I am reading, and it's getting really good.. that will take my mind off of wanting to eat.. at least I hope so.
  4. Speaking of food.. we planned the next couples night, which is mid-november. We decided to have an early Thanksgiving with friends. What a great idea. I am so very much looking forward to it.. really so very much. Okay, but I don't want to think about all the yummy food we are having... at least not right now, hehe

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