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On His Good Side
10-29-2002, 9:29 p.m.

On His Good Side...

October 29, 2002

I had a great day at work today. I went in early to help Walt out with his grant, and he didn't have much for me to do yet, so I started working on some stuff that I knew he would need later in the day. He was in a horrible mood, and I knew he was worried about the grant, and whether or not we would get in done in time, so I really just wanted to try to get ahead of the game... well later, when he came to my office to work on some stuff together, he was surprised to see I was ahead of the game, and something he thought was going to take us all afternoon ended up only taking us 25 minutes. He was going on and on about how efficient I am, and quite honestly, it felt good to hear. In fact, he continued to tell everyone he talked to today just how great I am.. it was fun listening to him talk on the phone and then he would say... and I hope she can hear me too... of course I was tempted to say No I didn't hear him just so he would tell me again, giggle.. hey, everyone loves a compliment. I am just really glad that we had such a great day and got so much done. He thought for sure that we would be there all night working on it.... but he ended up leaving at 3:30 to go home and proof read it.. damn I am good. He said that his goal is to get it mailed out tomorrow.. a day early... oh man, that would be nice.

We got home from work, and I made us a nice dinner of pork chops sauteed with onions, green peppers and tomato, and some baked french fries and cream corn. It was oh so yummy.. although I snacked while I cooked.. and I can't stop snacking lately. Stephen was laughing at me.. but man, I just am having a hard hard time getting back on track, I am always hungry lately. I can do this though, of that I have no doubt. I went shopping tonight after my workout, and I tried on a few dressy christmasy outfits and it was fun to try on smaller clothes. I am not going to get anything until closer to christmas as I hope to be in a smaller size, but maybe that is the motivation I need. I had a great workout too, so I am at least getting back on track with the working out.. baby steps, right... work on one, and let the rest follow.

I had a 25% off coupon for Sears, so I went to look for some Christmas presents... but man, I just have no idea what I want to get for anyone yet, so I was getting nowhere... maybe it's just a little too early, I usually don't really start shopping until after Thanksgiving. Instead, I ended up using my coupon to get Stephen a new pair of leather gloves, and a new belt. I noticed in Vegas that his belt was getting kinda ratty, so I wanted him to have a new one. He was all happy when I gave him his stuff.. he said he felt spoiled, awwww... usually he just says.. yah, nice.. unless it is something that he really likes, and really feels like he needed, but yet he never ever (okay rarely) asks for anything. That man will wear his clothes to the ground.... not me, I so love new clothes... at least he never ever (okay, maybe he does rarely, hehe) complains about the clothes that I buy for myself, and in fact, he often times encourages it... why don't you go get yourself a new outfit, hehe. He knows how happy that makes me. I just love, I guess I have mentioned that.

I am going to spend this weekend with my mom. I guess my gram is going to be there to, so yay, that will be nice. I haven't seen her in a while, and I miss her a lot. I don't see her quite as much as I should, and that is something I really need to make more of an effort of... while I still have the chances to. I guess it's one of those things that I really should work on. I am also hoping that Cory will stop by while I am out there this weekend too, since I haven't seen her in a few weeks...and since I will be so close. I really should have stopped over there last weekend. Hate those should haves sometimes.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I forgot to take my book to the gym with me tonight, oops. I ran to the drugstore next door and bought one. It is the first book I have bought in a while since I've been doing the library thing.. man, I like saving all that money going to the library, I don't know why I waited so long to start doing that. Anyway though, I got a good smut book.. man, I do miss those and long to read one occasionally, so maybe it's a good thing I forgot my book, hehe. I wasn't in the middle of anything either as I finished the Jackie Collins book last night, so at least that worked out too.
  2. Tomorrow should be another busy day at work, but I feel good about it, and I know that I will feel really good once the grant is sent out. I really love my job, and I love how appreciated I feel.. I especially like being on Walt's good side, he can be a bear when he is mad at ya. Pete told me today... man, I am so glad you are back.. things sure didn't run this smoothly last week.. in fact, I hid from Walt most of the time you were gone.. hehe.. good to know I was missed.
  3. Speaking of missing.. my vegas entries are missing aren't they? I am sorry, I have just been so tired at night, and so busy during the day.. I promise to write them soon. Thanks for all your comments though :) And No Kim, I didn't win, bummer... I didn't really lose either, sorta just broke even.. so it wasn't so bad.

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