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November 01, 2001

Jen will be here to pick me up in about an hour. I so cannot believe that it's already today. Time really has been going quickly lately. It so unbelievable to me that it's November already. This is going to be such a nice weekend, I hope that it doesn't go too quickly though, hehe.

We have, in our usual fashion, planned out the whole weekend. Tonight, we have a lay over in Charlotte, so we will not get to Newport News until pretty late, so we have no plans for tonight, aside from hugs, and sleeping, giggle. Tomorrow we are going to get up and go into Williamsburg for some sight seeing.... Yah right, we are going for these HUGE chocolate covered strawberries that they sell. We had some the last time we were there (in April) and they were just too yummy. I can't wait to sink my teeth into one of those, giggle. Then at 4 tomorrow, we get to check into the cabin.

The cabin... wow, I am still in disbelief that Tonya got us a cabin for the whole weekend. What an awesome surprise that was... I hope she knows how much it means to me that she would do that. We are going to have such a great time there. I brought tons of film too, so I am going to take tons of pictures there. Okay, I would have taken tons of pictures no matter where we stayed, LOL.

Friday night and Saturday night are the Wolves games!! I am so very excited about this part of the trip. Aside from seeing Tonya and the girls, it's probably the best part... Okay the cabin is right up there too, LOL...and our menu... and and and, okay the whole trip is just awesome. Anyway.. my very first away wolves game. I hope they win!! Stephen is going to tape the game on Saturday (it's televised that night), and I can't wait to see if we get on TV, giggle...maybe if we act silly enough. Like that would take a lot of work.. not. The girls are going to go to the game with us on Saturday night, and I am looking forward to going with them, but I am looking forward to some alone time with Jen and Ton too... so both are going to be pretty wonderful.

Okay, almost time for me to go. Ugghh, I keep thinking about that *little* plane we have to take from Charlotte to Newport News... Certainly not going to be my favorite part of the flight. This is my first flight ever with any stops... I think I've been spoiled with these direct flights, lol.

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