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Different Day... Different Stuff
11-02-2003, 7:57 p.m.

Today was as different from yesterday as different can be. Yesterday, I was running around all over the place, and having a great time doing so. Today I�ve done as little as possible, and I�ve had a great time doing so as well. Funny how each can be so wonderful in it�s own right.

Friday night, I fell asleep pretty early watching a movie with June. Unfortunately, I woke up again at about midnight, and had a hard time falling back asleep. I finally gave up, and just got up and watched TV. I was up most of the rest of the night, finally falling asleep around 6 am. Luckily I thought to set the alarm first. I had to get up early to get June up and ready. Chuck was taking her for an airplane ride, and was picking her up early for it. She gave me a hard time getting up, as usual, but she was excited about the plane ride, so it wasn�t as bad as normal. He got here right on time, and I almost wished that I had decided to go with them.. almost.. hehe.

I thought about going back to bed, but instead I got up and went to the gym. I decided that since it was the start of a new month, that I was going to start anew� and do it right by taking baby steps, so my goal for this week is to work out 5-6 times, and then next week, I will add the food thing in. I�ve been trying to do it all at once and I really think that is part of what has been making me fail, too much too soon. I went into it with a great attitude, and for the first time in a LONG time, I had a wonderful workout. I really did, and it felt great.

When I got home, I made breakfast for Stephen and I and got ready to take my shower. Chuck called and said June was done.. we had been planning on meeting half way to Jen�s, but I wasn�t ready to leave (I still had to shower) so he said he was just going to bring her back to my house. I got ready and waited for them to get there, and once they were, we were on our way to Jen�s.

I think that I have mentioned that Jen and I have made a commitment to spend one Saturday a month together, something that we desperately needed to do. Well last weekend was our October weekend, but because the rest of November is pretty busy, we had to do our November one this weekend.. back to back weekends, but it works, hehe. We had such a great time, playing cards, and working on our stitching. I was having some problems with my first attempt at cross-stitching, so Jen tore it out and showed me what I was doing wrong. I�ve been working on it all day today and it looks so wonderful now, and I am so proud of it. I can�t wait until it is done!!! It�s going to be beautiful.

June asked if she could spend the night at Jen�s last night, with Nicole. At first I said No, selfishly because I don�t get as many weekends with her lately and I didn�t want to give up MY time, but then I realized it was selfish so I called Chuck and Sherry to make sure it was okay, and it was.. so I told her yes. I am glad I did because she had a wonderful time and that is really what matters.

When I got home, Stephen and I laid down to watch the wolves game, and I worked on my stitching for a while, until I was just so tired I couldn�t keep by eyes open. In fact, I think I fell asleep sitting up, I was just so tired from being up the night before. Stephen had to put all my stuff away for me, and tuck me in, hehe. I slept wonderfully though.

I got up this morning, and started getting ready to go to my mom�s for the day. We were going to go shopping and just hang out, but I called her before I left, and she said that Rocky (her doggie) was still sick, and she was up with him most the night, and asked for a rain check. I understood, and while I was a little sad, I was also a little happy, because it gave me time to get to the gym (I had been planning to walk outside when I got home, since there wasn�t time for the gym if I was going to her house). So I made Stephen and I breakfast again, and got him off to his basketball game, and then ran to the gym, and had another great work out (2 in a row, watch out). I stopped at Michaels on my way home to get some thread that I needed, and then I came home, turned on life-time and sat in bed all day working on my stitching. Man, it�s time consuming, but it does feel good to see something that you�ve done on your own. I have so much to finish before Christmas, good thing I still have time to get it all done. It will be here before we know it though. I can�t believe that Halloween has already past.. where does the time go?

Okay, time to go and work on some more stuff. I tell you, I really do need to keep motivated if I want to finish all the stuff I plan on doing before Christmas. Maybe staying motivated with that though will keep me motivated with my workouts too. At least there has been a lot of good stuff on TV lately to watch while I work. Tonight I am watching that 75 year anniversary thing on CBS.. what a great show... It's neat.

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