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Three Days in a Row
11-03-2003, 7:43 p.m.

Three days in a row!!! I so did not want to go workout tonight. Traffic was horrible coming home, and we had to stop at my MILs and then it was even worse getting from her house to ours, and it took forever to get home. I was so ready just to make dinner and plop down for the evening. But I told myself that I was on a roll, and if I blew it now, I would be back at the beginning yet again, so I got dinner into the oven, and headed to the gym. I tried to talk myself out of it the whole way there, but I didn�t listen, which is a good thing.

I had a great work out, and I feel so good about it. Can tomorrow be day 4? I did try to get up this morning to do it then, but somehow sleep sounds just so much better. Imagine that.

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