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Home Again

Home Again..

November 04, 2001

Wow, what an emotionally charged weekend. What a wonderful weekend though. I am home again, safe and sound. The plane ride today was good... except for some heavy turbulance at one point, but I did well, and even got some sleep on the plane. I needed it since I barely got any the rest of the weekend... hehe.. but that's a good thing, it meant more time with people I love spending time with.

Today, it was so hard to say goodbye to Tonny and the girls. Jen and I were both sobbing, all the way to the plane.. Tonny was sobbing back where we had to leave her. Maybe it was my red eyes that made me suspecious looking, but I was picked for a random search... no biggie.. it was cute seeing Nicole trying to figure out what I did wrong, LOL.

I have to say, I am still not a big fan of those tiny propeller planes, hehe, but I did much better with it today than I did on Thursday. We had a nice layover in Charlotte and had a nice lunch with Jen's parents and MIL. Well nice, if you don't count the few moments of heart stopping fun when Jen's dad tried to kill us. I think that the plane ride was nothing compared to those few seconds when my life flashed before my eyes (giggle, it really wasn't THAT bad, but according to Jen's mom it was... Jen's dad got confused and turned left from the right lane, with cars speeding towards us... hey he made it, all was right with the world, LOL).

I miss Tonya, Maddy and Rachel so very much, and hope that we can find a way to get together before too much time passes. I am glad to be home too though, it's always nice to get home. I was so excited to see Stephen and Shadow (although shadow is giving me the cold shoulder routine right now.. she'll get over it as soon as she is hungry though, hehe). Stephen keeps showing me the tape over and over from the Wolves game last night, showing me all the times we were on TV...I love it. The Wolves games... now that is a whole other journal that I will add tomorrow morning... Now I am thinking that bed sounds so yummy... yah...that's what I am thinking. I have soooooo much that I want to say about this awesome weekend... but it can wait until I am able to at least keep my eyes open partially. Goodnight for now.

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