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Busy Busy
11-05-2003, 9:42 p.m.

I went over to Scott and Sharon�s after work for a while, and was once again reminded just how much I love spending time over there. I don�t know why I don�t make an effort to go over more often, and I keep saying that I am going to, Life just has this crazy way of getting in the way of the things that we would like to do. Hopefully though, I am learning that it�s important to take time for certain things. One of these days, right.

I didn�t stay over there all that long (about an hour) because I wanted to go to the gym, and they were getting ready to eat dinner too. They invited me to stay, but I knew if I did I would not go to the gym, as it�s been much too easy to look for reasons not to go over the past month and a half, and I don�t want to blow the roll I am on. The main reason I went over there was because Sharon�s birthday is Friday and I wanted to drop off a gift for her. She was so touched, and I was so touched when she went on and on about the card I made. At first, she didn�t know I made it.. she was like� oh my gosh, this is a beautiful card, hallmark really is doing great things these days, and then she saw my created by sign on the back, and she was just so surprised. That made me feel so good�. I tell you I�ve been worried about the home-made card thing, but so far I�ve received nothing but totally positive results. I can�t wait to send out my Christmas cards now.

I did make it to the gym, and I had a great workout. That is 5 in a row.. one more and I will make my first goal. I know that I can�t work out on Friday because of the Confirmation, so I am going to go tomorrow, even though I don�t usually work out on Thursdays. Stephen will have to tape my shows for me, hehe.

After my workout, I decided to run and get my hair cut, so I called to see if I could get an appointment real quick and I could, so yay, I got my hair all cut, and it looks nice. Stephen always calls me a page boy when I first get it cut, but I don�t think it looks anything like that.

Now I am working on some more cards, a cute thank-you card for a friend at work, and a confirmation card for Jacob on Friday. Busy busy busy, that is how I seem to stay lately. At least it keeps me out of trouble.

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