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But Not Today
11-06-2003, 8:21 p.m.

I had such a migraine this afternoon, I couldn�t wait to get home. I came home and got my stuff to go workout and then decided to forget it� my head just hurt too bad, so I ran to the grocery story and picked up a few things that we needed, came home and made dinner, and just relaxed. Now I have to get up in the morning and go to the gym tomorrow. I hate working out on Thursdays for some reason, so I usually take that as my day off each week, but I know that I won�t be able to go tomorrow night because of the confirmation, so I wanted to go tonight. Obviously not bad enough though, hehe. Honestly, this is a good test� it will be interesting to see if taking a day or two off is going to throw me into a tail-spin. I really can�t go every day every week though because that isn�t so great for you either.. everyone needs a day off.

I�ve had a lot on my mind lately� I am worried about a friend of mine, and I am not sure how to best help her. Maybe it�s not up to me to help her, but as a friend I can�t give up. Still, it�s a hard situation for everyone involved. Wish I knew the right answers. Someday I might, but not today.


And a very happy birthday to Cory's hubby Jim. He was hoping for a special gift today, but last I heard Cory is still pregnant, much to her dismay. I hope that little one comes soon, I can't wait to meet him/her.

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