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11-07-2003, 11:56 p.m.

Tonight was such a special night� for Jacob, for Stephen, for me, for all of us. Tonight Jacob Gerald became Jacob Gerald Francis. He was confirmed, and watching Stephen stand up there behind him, with his hand on his shoulder brought tears to my eyes� especially since I can remember when Stephen could hold Jacob *on* his shoulder� and I can remember watching him hold Jacob as he became his godfather, all those many years ago.

It�s funny because over the years, we have watched our godchildren grow, proud of being chosen to be their godparents� and from time to time we�ve talked about how they were getting older and would start making their confirmations, and we�ve even speculated about which kids would ask which people in the family, and I was always sure that Jake would ask Stephen.. they are just really close. Stephen always hoped that Jake would ask him, but never really thought he would, so when he asked, Stephen was just beside himself. This really is a HUGE deal to him, I can�t even put into words what it has meant to him, and so tonight was just a wonderful dream come true. To be their godparents is a wonderful blessing because their parents have entrusted into us something so precious� but to actually be asked by the child to be their sponsor� when they only get to choose one out of everyone� well that is just so special. Stephen has been walking around with his chest puffed out for weeks now� but tonight, well it was as far as it goes, hehe. I am so proud of him, and happy for him.

The ceremony was beautiful, but long!! We got at the Church at 6 and did not leave until 9. It was a long night but one I wouldn�t trade for the world. Afterwards, we all went out for Pizza, and we just sat and talked and had a nice time with family for a long time. It was a great night. Family is such a wonderful blessing, one that I am so thankful for.

Tonight, my 2 god-daughters in the family (I have 5 godchildren all together), told me that they think they have the best godmother ever� to hear that � it just made my heart hurt good. Blessed� yes, that we all are.

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