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Lovey Dovey

Lovey Dovey...

November 06, 2001

I so love it when Stephen and I are getting along so nicely. We just really enjoy each other during those times. We laugh and talk and just really enjoy each other.

Stephen always calls me lovey (or sometimes loved one)... today he said, my lovey dovey... and I said, no, me lovey, you dovey, LOL. He didn't like being called that though, which of course made me call him it more... so we were cracking up about it all the way home from work. I am so glad that we are getting along right now, especially since our 10th anniversary is just in 2 days. We called today to make reservations to go to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. I can't wait. Then today, he also said we need to go to the movies soon.. awww... he is not a big fan of movie theatres, but that so makes our movie dates even more special. I do so love my honey.

I have been wanting to write more about my VA trip, because there is just so many wonderful things to tell, but work has been crazy busy, with it being the end of the quarter and all. I haven't even had time to catch up on all this email in my box either. I hope I have more time tomorrow! Tonight I laid down for a bit to wait for Buffy to start, and fell asleep!! Awwww, I missed Buffy. Anyone want to tell me all about it? I can't believe I did that.

I woke up about 9, and it's a little after 11 now. Luckily I am alredy tired enough to go back to sleep, and was actually going to head to bed a few minutes ago, but then decided to come write this first instead. Oh, I did get to watch a re-run of Charmed from last Thursday... I had missed it, since we were on our way to VA, so I am glad they showed it again. Stephen tried taping both that and ER for me on Thursday, but somehow they taped bad, ugh... but now the only thing I missed was ER, so that's not too bad. At least the Wolves game taped, giggle.. but that's a whole other entry...

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