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Still Dancing
11-08-2002, 10:05 p.m.

Still Dancing...

November 08, 2002

You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul

Those are words from the song that I first danced with Stephen to. They are words to the song that Stephen played when he proposed to me... the song we danced to at our wedding, and the song that we dance to every anniversary since. Tonight was no exception, and after all these years, the words mean even more.

Stephen and I are celebrating our 11th anniversary today. This is the man that I've now known and loved more than half my life. Okay maybe not loved that long, but I surely have loved him for a lot of years now. He is my best friend, he is the man that I hope to spend another 11 years with and then another 11 and so on. I know that things are not always perfect, and they never will be, but that is true for anyone. We are happy, we are in love and we know that together we can get through anything and everything that is thrown at us. I never doubt that he has my back, and I am always there for him as well. We are partners, friends, lovers, everything to each other, now and for always.

We are going out to dinner and to the movies tomorrow night to celebrate, and we did eat out tonight at IHOP.. don't laugh, it was one of the first places we ever ate together, and so it was cute. Tomorrow we are going to a more fancy restaurant, and that will be special too. We are basically spending the whole weekend together, just hanging out doing this and that and enjoying each other.

Now we are going to go watch a movie together and cuddle, so I am going to make this short. I am sure you understand, smile.

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