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Quiet Day
11-09-2002, 7:43 p.m.

Quiet Day...

November 09, 2002

Stephen and I planned to just spend the weekend together, doing whatever. Sometimes it's nice just to be home together, doing our own thing, and today was exactly like that. I got up this morning and went out to get a few things from the craft store, and then I went and worked out. I had a great workout, which was a nice change, lol.. maybe that will help me get back on track. I can certainly hope so. Overall I had a pretty good week, I worked out 6 days out of the last 7... so time wise, I am doing great, I think it's the way I feel while I am there.. like I am forcing myself to get through it. Stephen asked me the other day what happened to his little ball of fire, working out every 5 minutes, and I just don't know, but I sure would like to get back to that place.. and it can't come soon enough, hehe. I told Tonya that I am going to make her go to the gym with me over the weekend, as many days as we possibly can... at least the weekend won't get me back off track that way.

So anyway, Stephen and I just basically hung out around the house today. We got some housework done together, and raked up the yard, and then we came in and he watched football while I worked on my crafts and watched Lifetime movies all day. Man, we haven't had a day like that in a long time, and so it was really enjoyable. I almost got one tree skirt done today too, and believe me, they are a LOT of work.. because of the way I do them. I could do a much easier pattern and be done in an hour or so, but I really want them to be special, so I am doing all the extra work. This is the first time I have sewn in months, and that felt good too.. it was nice to lose myself in it. I forget sometimes how much I enjoy doing it, and watching what I am working on come together.

We were going to go out to dinner, but we pushed it to tomorrow night, because the wolves were starting earlier than we thought. We both wanted to watch the game together. They lost, but it was a good game, and we enjoyed watching it together. Now we still have dinner to look forward to tomorrow as well.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen has his last game tomorrow (they might have one make up next week, but I don't think so), and while he is playing I am going to hang out at his mom's and teach his sister how to sew. She is so proud of herself, she got a machine, and she made a few pillows, hehe.. I never thought I would ever see her sewing, so that is kinda cool. I am proud of her.
  2. Jen called and said her dad is improving.. so that is a huge relief. I have been so worried about him (for those of you who do not read her journal, he had a stroke), I know how hard it is for her being so far away from them at times like this. I am glad he is getting better.
  3. Speaking of Jen, she can't read my journal for some reason.. how strange.. it just won't load for her, but it works for everyone else. Got me, I can't figure out why.. hmm, think of all the things I can say here though, hehe, just kidding.. hope she gets it figured out soon.. Ohhh, wait, I just thought of a way to maybe fix it.. now if I can just remember how.
  4. We have a 10 week rental card from Block Buster.. so we've been renting old movies each week. This week I picked Love Story, hehe.. so we are going to go watch that now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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