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Better Buffy
11-13-2001, 8:09 p.m.

Better Buffy...

November 13, 2001

I really enjoy watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I know, I know... but I like it, and I have for a few years now. So I was willing to give it a chance when it moved to the UPN and I was disappointed when the first few episodes were not all that great, especially after the great season last year. Still, I didn't want to give up on it right away, and boy am I glad I didn't... the past few episodes have gotten better, and tonights was really good. I was even cracking up at some points.

Another Buffy fan friend of mine is Kristen. We've been talking *buffy* since last year, comparing our thoughts on the show and we both think Spike is a hottie. So tonight right after the show, I was wishing I had her phone number here (it's at work) so that I could call her... when all of a sudden the phone rang... great minds or something. Thanks for calling Kristen, you have such great timing!!

Today was a rather crappy day. You know it's going to be a horrible day when the first thing your boss says to you is "wow, Vic, you've got quite a few problems to fix"...seems half the building was looking for me. Oh yay, let me get right on that. Still, I got thru it, and I didn't kill anyone, so I would call the day a success overall.

I shouldn't complain too much, I got to spend quite a few time with Tonya today and got to hear all about Mike's homecoming and their wonderful weekend. That was really a great thing, and I am glad. I just wish that Jen and Cory had more time to spend with us today... we missed them, hehe. Still I got to spend some time with Jen later, which was nice, and Cory is off making us letters at the scrapbook store tonight which I cannot complain about.. and I am off to watch a movie with my honey... Legally Blond... hope it's better than it looks, hehe.

Oh, and guess what? Exactly 2 months to my birthday...I love my birthday, giggle.

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