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Unexpected Opportunity
11-13-2002, 9:24 p.m.

Unexpected Opportunity...

November 13, 2002

Mom called me today and asked what time Tonya's flight gets in on Friday. I told her, and then she asked if we were still planning on going to Milwaukee for the Wolves game. I told her that I wasn't sure, but that I thought that we probably would not go. Tonya and I had talked about it, and really considered not going, just because it is a 2 hour drive each way, and we did have things we needed to get ready for Couples Night Thanksgiving the next day. My mom sounded happy that we were not going and I asked her how come. Turns out that the conference that she was running for work, that was to be held this weekend, was cancelled, and they had a room booked at the Sheraton Towers that they didn't need now, so her boss told her to take my dad downtown and spend the evening there with him, but she talked to my dad and they decided that since Tonya was coming it, that it would be a neat opportunity for Jen, Cory and I to take her downtown for the night. I was so excited, a free room downtown that is within walking distance of Navy Pier and that is right on the Chicago river, uh huh, that is a great opportunity. I couldn't wait to call Jen and Cory to ask them if they could make it, even knowing that they probably couldn't. It really is too hard with Couple's night the next night and stuff, so it looks like it is going to be just Tonya and me, bummer.

I told my mom that her and my dad should go, and that Tonya and I would go there to watch the dogs for them, but they were insistent, they really want us to use the room, and Tonya is really excited about going downtown, and really, so I am, I am just disappointed that Jen and Cory can't go with us, it would have been a wonderful night, walking around downtown and just being together.

I had a really good day. Today they had a townhall meeting at work, but I didn't go because I had some errands to run, and I did that instead. Now I wish I would have gone, because she (our president) was talking about some stuff I would have liked to hear.. one being that she is giving us a few extra holiday days this year... which means that we get off on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, The Day After Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years Day!!! Stephen and I usually take those 2 weeks off of work, and this year we have from December 24th-January 6th, and in that time, we only have to use 4 vacation days total!!! That is just so totally awesome, and I am really excited about that. I also talked to Sherry and Chuck and Chrissy and June are coming to spend a week with us during that time, as they normally do. I am looking forward to that very much. Seems I have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks, starting with this weekend. I can't believe that Tonya is really coming for the weekend, it still seems so unreal.. sometimes the unexpected things are the best!

Daily Tidbits

  1. I got a few more christmas presents today, so my list is coming along so nicely. Not only that, but I am so thrilled with every single gift that I have gotten so far. I love it when I buy gifts for people that I am certain that they are going to love.. man, I love Christmas.
  2. I had a hard workout tonight... I am really looking forward to having tomorrow off from working out, because for some reason on the treadmill tonight, my hip was hurting. Maybe that was a sign that I needed a day off. Maybe it's because I am getting my period.. gosh, I feel so bloated and icky. I ate so bad today too... I just couldn't stop.. but I get like that when I am getting my period, and I know it. I should have fought it more, but I just couldn't.. tomorrow is a new day though and I vow to do better.
  3. Tomorrow, Stephen's mom is going out with her sister and SIL.. so we are going to go over and have dinner with his dad. We will buy him dinner and take it over. I am glad that we are going to, and it will make Stephen's mom worry a bit less too, so that's a good thing.

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