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Who Needs TV
11-14-2002, 9:37 p.m.

Who Needs TV...

November 14, 2002

There is enough excitement in the world around us, lol. As you can probably guess, it's been a crazy night around here. Let's see, I had a longggg day at work. This has been finals week, and between Stephen and I, we have had to be in to work by 7ish all week long. I am soooooooo tired from getting up so early every morning too. So today was our final, and the students were driving me up the wall, and back down as well, I am used to it, but they seem to get worse every year, or maybe it's just that I am getting older, lol. Stephen called me around noon and asked if he could take me out to lunch. It was a nice treat, and I am glad that he thought of it. He said that he thought I could stand to get out of there for a while, and boy was he right. Let's just say that I was glad when it was time to go home. The good thing about getting in so early every morning is that noone really says much when you leave at 3:30 everyday, lol.

We went over to have dinner with my FIL. My MIL went out with her sisters for the day, but since we usually have dinner with them on Thursdays we decided to go and buy him dinner. We had a really nice dinner, and stuck around to watch some TV with him as well.. Then we headed home so that I could start getting this house straightened up a little. That is when the craziness all started, so I really didn't get much done. Let's see, my SIL Michelle stopped by for a bit. She wanted some help with a project she is doing for Jake's football team, and wanted me to figure out how much material she would need for something. It was nice, because she rarely comes over, so we sat and chatted, and thus I missed half of survivor. Luckily, my MIL asked me to tape it for her, so I can go back and watch it. I did see enough to see that my boy got voted out, pout pout, stomping my feet, no fair, pout. I knew it was coming, but I still didn't like it, damn fools, lol... how could they vote out a New York City, Police Officer.. do they not have any patriotism?? Giggle.. okay, but mannnnn.

CSI was just starting and I was considering watching Survivor again instead, when someone started ringing the doorbell non-stop. I thought maybe it was Michelle coming back at first, but that didn't make sense because they were ringing it so much.. it was a young lady, and she was crying hysterically... "can you help me" she says.. We were trying to figure out what was wrong with her, and she told us that her boyfriend was in the alley.. and that someone had hit them. "Hit you, are they still back there" Stephen asked... first of all, we don't have an alley, we have a grassed easement.. I run in the house and call the police and tell them what is going on, and ask them to come, and then I get my coat and shoes on and go to tell her what they said.. She is so upset, it's cold out, raining, and their car (a brand new jaguar by the way, what a beautiful car it was) is inches from being in our garage thru the back wall.. and down the easement is a van, lodged between two fences.. see the easement is pretty wide at the one end of the block, but towards the other end, a lot of people have privacy fences, which go halfway into the easement...making it impossible to pass, not to mention tons of small bushes and trees which this van totally took out. I guess this van hit them and another vehicle a couple of miles away..and the driver of the jaguar is a Chicago Policeman, and decided to follow them to make sure that they didn't hurt anyone else.. this brought them to the back of our house, until the van got stuck, and the people in the van jumped out and ran. The girl was so upset, and asked me to please not leave her alone, which I would not have done to begin with, so I stayed with her until the police were there, and helping them. They had to get their car out, and since they would only do more damage going back the way they came (there are these bumps in there in case people do try to get in there), and their car was so messed up and the tires so messed up that everytime he tried to move backwards (the only way out) his car would slip and slide. It would have been a miracle for them to get back out that way, so Stephen let them drive their car thru our yard and out our driveway.. Okay, so our grass is totally torn up now, eek. I stayed out there with them for over an hour, and I was soaked to the bone and freezing cold. Hopefully I won't get sick... everytime I tried to leave, they would want to use my cell phone again, and I was glad to be able to help them...besides the guy knew my brother, they work together, or did until my brother went on special assignment.

Now I am back in the house and all warm.. trying to pay attention to the second half of ER, I am thinking that since I missed the beginning, I will just watch it on tape later. Maybe not tonight though, I have to be into work early again tomorrow. Man, this night did not turn out how I expected it to at all. I thought all my excitement would come from TV, not tonight.

Daily Tidbits

  1. My mom called when I was outside, so I called her back.. I asked what she was doing and she said, watching survivor (they had taped it), and without thinking I say, my guy was .. and then shut up realizing what I was doing... oh man, she wanted to kill me.. of course then she says to my dad "the NY Police officer gets voted out.. if your daughter is going to ruin it for me, it's ruined for you too", lmao... She swears that she is never answering the phone again when it's on, man, that was so an accident, lol.
  2. Tonya will be here tomorrow, yay. I am so excited and looking forward to the weekend. I can't believe our CN thanksgiving is in 2 days, yum.
  3. I was trying to fix my journal today so that Jen would be able to see it again, and I screwed it all up, lol.. so I had to start all over.. but I really like this look alot. It is so different from my usual style, more plain, but for some reason it is so appealing to me. Maybe I should pick fall colors though.. but I like the style at least... for now, lol.

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