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Still No Baby Yet...
11-15-2003, 10:38 p.m.

It feels like a life-time ago that I woke up to the phone ringing, and heard Jim�s voice telling me that they were at the hospital and they were breaking Cory�s water. It was only about 18 hours ago.. but it seems like days have gone by. It was early, around 5 this morning� they had been at the hospital for hours already, but they were breaking her water then. I hurried up and got dressed and headed out. When I got there, Cory looked great, a little uncomfortable, but excited too. It seemed like she was in for a long day though, and since she was crowded with tons of family, I decided to cut her a little slack and not give her me to worry about too. I had a date with my mom today, so I decided to head over there for a couple hours and then come back.

I had a nice time with my mom and dad, although all I could think about was Cory. I must have called the hospital for updates at least 5 times, but I didn�t want to miss anything. She had TONS of family up there with her, and I could tell that they were a little tired, so I stayed at my mom�s for as long as I could stand not being there.

I got back to the hospital and settled in for the wait with the rest of her family, but wait seems to be the word of the day, because that is all that is going on. As of about an hour ago, Cory was still only dilated to 7, and that little one was making no promises of showing up anytime soon. The waiting room was crowded with family, and I decided that I should just call it a night and head home� Not that I felt out of place with them, because that is not the case at all.. just because.. well, I know what it�s like to want your family around you at times like that� and well it just seemed right. Cory�s sister promised to call me when the little one makes his/her appearance, and that is good enough for me for tonight I guess. I will miss being up there, but then again, by the time I left I was so tired that I was starting to fall asleep in the waiting room, and I knew I still had an hour drive. And.. they were predicting at this point that it was still going to be several hours� so it just made sense.

All my thoughts are with Cory and Jim right now, and their little one. I hope that they have a safe delivery, and that it�s not much longer. I know it�s been such a long night/day/night for them� and I know that they can�t wait to meet their new addition�. None of us can. I surely don't know what this little one is waiting for, he/she defintely has a lot of people waiting to meet him/her. I so wanted by entry tonight to begin with.. It's A.... Maybe tomorrow.

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