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November 16, 2001

I can't say that I've ever been a big fan of change. I am sure that this can be said about many people, but I am usually one who needs to be pulled kicking and screaming into new things. Maybe it's because I am so shy, or maybe because I am so self conscious about myself and everything else, I don't know, but I just hate when things change. Well not all things, but I am sure you know what I mean.

Cory and I had a long, very nice, conversation today, about how different things are in our lives, just in the time that we've been friends. That's another thing, I cannot believe that Cory and I have only been friends for less than 2 years... Tonya and I too, for that matter. I feel like these gals have been in my life for always... just like I've always felt about Jen. Anyway, so we were talking about the differences and how much things have changed, and still are changing. About the friends we've had that have come and gone, and how much that affects us. There were a few people that I cared so much about, that are no longer a part of my life after that list issue we had a while back. And it sucks, and it hurts, even still. Not in the same way it once did, but in a much more subtle way. It's always sad when you lose friends, no matter what the situation, but you go on I guess.

I know that change is not always a bad thing, and I do deal with it well when I have to.. but I just don't like it. I see a lot of changes coming our way soon, and I am fighting them. What good that will do, who knows.. maybe it's just time to accept it. Acceptance.. now that is a whole 'nother entry!

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