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Not In The Middle

Not In The Middle...

November 18, 2001

Yah Right!! In the middle is where I often find myself. Way to go, not. This morning, I got up and started working on some scrapbook swaps that I joined. Stephen got up shortly after I did, since he had to go to his mom's to help move a few dressers over to her friend Dee's house. He asked me to go with him to keep him company, and I didn't mind doing so. We got there early, and so we had to wait for a while for Kevin to get there. In the meantime, Nicole showed up with all the kids. Kev's kids, and Gerald and Michelle's kids. Ends up that she was babysitting and that she had spent the night at Gerald and Michelle's house. Ends up that she and Kevin were in the middle of a pretty big fight. It was a little awkward when Kevin got there, but I tried to stay out of the middle of it. Of course, it wasn't so easy. Without going into details, I kinda knew where she was coming from and I felt sorry for her and wanted her to know that she wasn't alone. After all, she is family now. He ended up helping Stephen move the dressers and then took the kids and left, leaving her there...and causing a scene in the meantime . I felt sorry for my MIL and FIL as they didn't really know what to do or say, but to their credit, they made Nicole feel very welcome there and told her that she could stay as long as she wanted/needed to. It's nice to know that they love us and consider us their children too. I know that they would be there for me, and it's a good feeling.

We hung out there for a few hours, and when we were leaving, Nicole asked us to drive her home to get some of her stuff. I don't know what she was planning on doing, nor do I know what she did, because when we got to their place, I offered to wait and take her somewhere, but she said that she didn't want to put us in the middle. Stephen asked her.. what is your last name, Sears! That means you are family and it's not about being in the middle.. but we respected her wishes and left. I hope that all is okay and that they work it out. I would hate to see this go on, not only because they've only been married less than a month, but because she is pregnant, and that is a pretty good reason for working it out. I wanted to call and check on her tonight...perhaps tomorrow, I don't know.

My MIL had planned on having everyone over for dinner, but obviously that didn't work out the way she hoped. She had made a ton of ribs, pre-cooked them.. they just needed to be cooked with the sauce and stuff.. so she sent a pan of them home with us, along with some potatoes and stuff... so dinner was pretty easy to make tonight... and oh so yummy too. I have to remember to call and thank her tomorrow :)

We also rented the Grinch tonight (yah, it doesn't come out until Tuesday, but this local video store often puts out their movies a few days early, hehe). We had seen it at the theatre... but it was nice to just cuddle up to Stephen tonight and watch it. We had a nice evening together. Now it's almost midnight (I took a 3 hour nap earlier, hehe, forgot to mention that) but I am sleepy again and ready for bed. Back to work in the morning, but it should be an easier week, and a short one at any rate. I can't believe that it's already Thanksgiving week, wow.

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