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November 19, 2001

The case that Cory and I were to testify at, was settled today, leaving us without having to testify. I can't say that I am disappointed, as I really didn't want to do it to begin with. In fact, I was quite happy when the lawyer called today. Sometimes things work out for the best, giggle.

On the way home from work, I mentioned that I had a taste for soup, so Stephen stopped and got me some at the Patio...awwww, he can be so sweet. But when I got home and started eating, I started feeling sick... at first I got light cramps.. but they progressed and progressed until they were horrible. I tried to lay down on a heating pad and it helped a little bit, but then I started feeling horrible pressure and the feeling that I had to go potty...only I couldn't. Oh Man, I thought... not a urinary tract infection!!!! They are horrible horrible things.

Luckily, once I figured out what was wrong, I was able to call my doctor's office and the doctor on call agreed with me that it sounded like an UTI and she called in a prescription for me for Bactrim. I had to wait about 90 minutes before Stephen could go pick them up, but I have them now and have taken my first pill. I still feel soooo horrible, but at least I know that I should be feeling better in about 24 hours. Man is it painful in the meantime though. I am downing cranberry juice and laying on a heating pad to help with the pain, and hopefully I will be able to get some sleep.

Tomorrow, Jen, Cory and I are planning to meet for lunch, since Cory and I both had time off for that trial. Jen called tonight and said that she might not be able to make it, because Nicole has strep, poor thing. I hope she is feeling better, and selfishly, I wish Jen could meet with us. Heck, I might not even be feeling up to it myself. If I didn't have a student coming to take a make-up exam in the morning, I might not go myself. I still could call and tell someone else where the exam is, luckily I finished it this afternoon and even printed it out and everything. I dunno...I just want to feel better.

Stephen is getting on me to get back into bed... so off I go... I love when he takes care of me...

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