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Keeping Busy
11-20-2002, 7:58 p.m.

Keeping Busy...

November 20, 2002

I didn't even sit down at my desk this morning when they started handing me work. I was expecting that though, and in a way it actually is a good thing, I like knowing that they miss me when I am not there. It is nice to know that you are missed, hehe. I thought my boss would be crabby with me for taking yesterday off but he didn't say anything, so that was a relief as well.

It was nice to be busy today because it made the day go by quickly. There was some stuff going on that was a bit troubling, but that I don't want to write about here.. but it was good to be busy, because it gave me something to do besides worry. I don't know what will happen with that situation, but whatever it is, I hope it's the right thing.

My grandfather had his surgery yesterday. I don't think that I have written much about that situation either.. but a few weeks back, he had a colonoscopy and they found a tumor. They went to remove it but it was too deep and he had to go in for surgery yesterday. They suspected it was cancer.. but when the got it out yesterday, the doctor said that he thinks that it may not be cancer afterall. Of course, nothing is for certain until the pathology report comes back, but for now it's looking good. If it is cancer, they said that they got it all, and they got it early, and that would be a good thing. I just hope that all is well.. I am not ready to start losing my grandparents yet. Yes, i know how fortunate I am to have them in my life still, but if you don't mind, I would like to be selfish and hang on to them for a bit.

Speaking of family, I talked a few times to my FSIL (future SIL, Sharon) today.. She and my brother are going to be getting married once his divorce is final, if his ex ever signs the papers that is. They have 2 children together, so I would say that it's about time. I will admit that I haven't always been the best of friends with her, and there have been moments of misunderstandings and all that, but lately, I have really been trying to get to know her, and *gasp* to maybe even become friends. We talked about Christmas today and I even helped her with a gift for my parents, and I was surprised when we hung up to realize that I really enjoyed the conversation. For once, I didn't worry about it, and just talked to her.. it was nice. She called me tonight, to talk about that gift again, and some ideas she had, and I am really very glad that she did. I think this could be a nice start to becomming closer with her and thus my brother, and my nephew and niece.

Speaking of my nephew and niece... my mom was supposed to babysit them this weekend, but I think she had pneumonia...she has been so sick for over a week, and now she is having trouble breathing.. she goes for a chest x-ray tomorrow... anyway, so I am going to babysit instead. I am sorta glad, because it will be my first time babysitting Megan, and I will get lots of cuddle time in that way. Also, Sherry and Chuck called and asked if I wanted to take the girls this weekend, yay. I haven't had them for a while, especially Chrissy, so I am looking forward to that as well. Hard to believe it is already almost the weekend.. two days off really mess with your concept of time.

Daily Tidbits

  1. We really stayed active this weekend, and that is such a good thing. Going back to the gym tonight wasn't so hard at all. I am glad that we really kept up with things.
  2. I am going to go watch the Bachelor.. I've never watched a single episode of it, but there is nothing else on, so I guess I will see what these saps do, lol.

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