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A Day In the Kitchen

A Day In the Kitchen...

November 21, 2001

Man, I cannot believe how much time and energy it takes to get ready for the holdiays...and I am not even having it at my house!! I had to make... here is my list... for Delores' house, I made chocolate covered cherries, chocolate covered rice krispy treats and white chocolate, raspberry swirl cheesecake... For Mom's house I made (well I still have a few of these things to finish)... more of the above, minus the cheescake, but also, pasta salad, deviled eggs and a cheese, sausage and cracker tray... Thank goodness I didn't have the clean the house too. I am so exhausted. Still, I love Thanksgiving, and can't wait for tomorrow. It's going to be a great day.

We stayed home from work today, and I am so glad we did, because it took me all day to shop and do these things. How in the heck did I think I was going to do them and work too?

Stephen has pretty much stayed away from me today (pout). He said he was trying to stay out of my way, but I would have liked the company... now he went and rented Planet of the Apes for us to watch and I feel like telling him to watch it himself. I guess I am getting a little cranky due to being tired. I know that he really was just trying to stay out of my way today, but why is it that men stay out of our way when we want them in the way and are all over us when we want some space. They just so do not get it.

Lately too, I've been feeling so fat and frumpy... After Thanksgiving, it's time to start walking again, or something... uggghhhh

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