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Most Thankful

Most Thankful...

November 22, 2001

for so many things in my life. I don't even know where to begin, but today, on this very special day, I would at least like to try.

I am thankful for my husband. Although he drives me insane sometimes, he is a constant in my life (constant pain in the ass, giggle). No seriously, sometimes I wonder how it is I ended up with a person as different from me as night from day... a pepper to my salt. But maybe it's what keeps things fresh and new, and interesting...and I never doubt that he loves me and that he would do absolutely anything for me. He is a good man, and I am thankful for him almost every day (hey, I am human, I deserve a few days off).

I am thankful for my family. When I say family, I mean my family and Stephen's family. I mean my friends who are so close to me that they are just like family. Family is such an important thing to me, something that I hope I don't take for granted. We had such a wonderful day today spending time with our families. At first we moaned and groaned about having to drive to Wisconsin to go to Delores and Johns house, but in the end it worked out nicely and was a lot of fun. My mom's was awesome, and I had such a great time. I love that she was so kind as to want to invite Jen and her family, and I love that I get my own kindness from her. I am glad that Sherry and Chuck got to be there as well, Sherry couldn't be more of a sister to me had she been born as one. I am so thankful that all those years ago, as a child, I was able to begin a friendship with her...not knowing how far it would go in life.

I am thankful for Chrissy and June. God, am I thankful for them. They have added so much to my life, to our lives. They mean everything to us, and I hope they know how much they bring into our world. I am thankful that Sherry and Chuck allow us so much time and freedom with them. I don't know if they know how much it saves our lives sometimes. If we never have our own children, we will have loved these 2 special girls, and it will have been more than some people ever get.

I am so thankful for my friends. I try to tell them as often as they will listen how thankful I am for them, but I don't think I will ever tire of saying it. Little did I know that Jen would become so much a part of my life when we met, and now, well gee... now life would be so wrong without her in it... and then the same goes for Cory and Tonya... These girls have been so much to me, all of them. I still remember the first time I met Cory, and now I can't imagine life without her, she brings so much into it, she has taught me so much about myself... same with Tonya, I remember how shy she was when we met... now look at us. I love how close the four of us are, together and separately. It's good. I am also thankful for all my other friends...and you all know who you are... just because I don't mention you by name doesn't mean that you mean any less...I swear.

I am thankful for so many other things, I could just go on forever, but I am getting tired... which reminds me, I am thankful for my home, for my bed... for my Princess Shadow Kitty... for our jobs, for our lives... and for our new car, giggle. I will write about that tomorrow, but let me just say I love it!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! It's been a good one!

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