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What Day?

What Day?

November 23, 2001

Stephen and I keep forgetting what day it is, hehe. Don't you love that about holidays and vacations... your whole sense of time gets warped, but it's a good thing, because occasionally we need to forget ourselves and schedules... at least I believe that to be true.

I am really the only one up so far this morning. Stephen, Chrissy, June and Brian are still sleeping. I feel like banging some pots and pans and making them get up, giggle... but I will be nice, maybe.

I just gone done paying bills.. oh so not my favorite chore... I wanted to go shopping this morning, but decided to take the safe route and pay bills first. Otherwise who knows that I might have spent... but but but, there are sooooo many deals, hehe. I do want to run to Michaels and get the mesh lights for my bushes though, because I have 10 dollars in Turkey bucks there, and also because it's 60 degrees out today and what a great day to put them out, hehe.

We are going over to Jen's about 3 today, and going to see Harry Potter. Chrissy and June are so excited about that... okay Chrissy more than June, but June none the less. We are also going to crash at Jen's tonight so that should be fun.

Oh Oh Oh, and my new car... very beautiful. A blue Toyota Corolla. I love it. It even has a CD player... my first car to have one. It really is pretty and very nice. Of course now, it's going to have to curb my shopping a bit, but at least I can sit in the car when I get an urge to spend, snicker.

Okay, I am off for a fun-filled busy day. I don't know if I will get a chance to get online later, so I thought I better write this early. Hope everyone is having a great after-thanksgiving day, and shopping all those sales that I am missing...remember, I paid bills instead... oh the responsibility of it all...

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