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Starting to Decorate

Starting to Decorate...

November 24, 2001

I've been starting to put up my Christmas decorations. Usually I try to get so much done in one day, and I am miserable and exhausted afterwards... and each year, as I get more things, it gets harder to do it all in one day, so this year, I have decided to take my time and get it up as I feel like it. Today, I got the lights on the bushes outside (I went and splurged on some new lights, the net ones, man, how much easier that was). I also got my new light tree out and up as well. I tossed out my candies/lollipops (a decoration I made myself for outside a few years back, how adorable they are) because they were getting pretty icky last year, and I wanted to make new ones. I got the candies done and put up tonight, and now I just have to do the lollipops tomorrow. I did make some lollipops for my MIL though and we took them over to her house and put them out for her. They are really cute.. they are made with two clear plastic plates glued together, a metal rod stuck in as a stick (and I put lights in mine) and then covered with different colored celophane and tied with a ribbon. It looks like a big lollipop on a stick. I always get so many compliments on them. The first year I made them, I had neighbors stopping by to ask where I bought them.

I just got the girls to go to bed, and I am about to head there myself. I brought Nicole home with us today, and they had such a nice day hanging out and running around. Stephen watched them all for a few hours while I ran out to get the stuff for my craft project tonight and they've really been so good. We had broccoli cheddar soup for lunch (Jen and I bought this mix from this cool store near her) and it was okay, and then Stephen ordered us Pizza for dinner... I was glad to not cook.

We had a great time at Jen's yesterday, and Harry Potter was really cute. I am so glad that we went with Jen and the kids, and so glad that I decided to take Brian with me, especially when I got to listen to him brag to my brother all about it when we got home. He had a great time at Jen's, and I was so happy when he and June climbed into bed with me in the middle of the night, even though I didn't want to admit it, giggle. I am really glad that I've gotten to spend more time with him and get closer to him lately. On Thanksgiving, he came running when I got there, and that really made my day.

Well Stephen just checked on the girls and they are all passed out. I am not surprised as they have been running around for the past 2 days. I love that Nicole asked to come home with us, I like doing stuff with her...and now Jen has to come get her, giggle...get the point?

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