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Not Much Like Talking
11-22-2002, 11:55 p.m.

Not Much Like Talking...

November 22, 2002

and really not feeling much like writing either, so I am sure that this is going to be a short entry. Thanks for the emails and kind words, it's nice that people care enough to worry about you when you are feeling down. I am okay, really I am. I am just really worried about someone that I love very much, and it's really a situation that I am not at liberty to discuss here. I am sure that everything is going to be okay in the long run, but at the moment it has been something on my mind, and as much as I try not to let it, it does affect my mood and stuff like that.

I had an okay day at work. I had a lot to do and I knew that Cory, Jen and Tonny would all be offline, so I stayed offline and got a ton of work done. That was a good thing, and I am glad that I got so much done. We also had our Thanskgiving breakfast at work, and that took up most of the morning. I even won something cute in the raffle. In fact, my department won 5 raffle prizes. We were teased for the rest of the day, hehe, everyone wants to sit next to us at the Christmas lunch now.

I ran out at lunch time and picked up a few presents for Christmas. I can't believe how quickly that is going to be here, and I still have quite a list to get for, although I am doing pretty good, and am not at all stressed about it. I ended up getting quite a few gifts online, and not because I don't like to shop, because I do, but I found so many great deals online, and when you can save money that way, why not. Stephen laughs at me though because every day when we get home there is a new package by the back door. We have quite a pile building up in the girls room (they have to sleep on the futon tonight, I totally have their bed covered in gifts, oops, lol). It's a good thing that Christmas eve is at my house, there are a few big things too, I doubt we would be able to pack it all up to go elsewhere, lol. I need to get out this weekend sometime and pick up some gifts that I need to ship off though, so that they can get where they are going.

When we got home from work, I had a headache, and I so didn't want to go workout, so I didn't. We had pizza for dinner and then I laid down and took a nap until the girls got here. I felt much better by then, and so I went out for a walk, which means I got my hour of exercise in anyway...good thing since I have to babysit tomorrow and won't get to workout then. My brother will be dropping his kids off at 6 am too, so it's going to be a long day. Not complaining though, I am really looking forward to time with Brian and Megan.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. And that Christmas is right after that. I am thinking that I should have already started my decorating, but I think we will do that next weekend sometime.
  2. I am having fun having the girls here this weekend. I miss them when they aren't here.
  3. 6 is going to come way early, so I better get to bed. Night.

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