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Gobble Gobble
11-27-2003, 11:13 p.m.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a really really nice day! I had to get up early to start making the stuff I was taking to both mom�s houses, but Tonya got up with me and helped, which made it a lot more fun, and then Maddy and Rachel got up to make the dessert that they wanted to make to take with, which was even more fun. In the meantime we managed to get everyone showered and dressed and to get out of the house almost on time.

Thanksgiving at my mom�s is always early, going back to the days of my childhood. My father was a Chicago police officer, and thus usually had to work on Thanksgiving. He normally worked the afternoon shift on this day, and so we would eat dinner around noon, so that we could all be together before he had to go to work. As we got older, and started getting married and stuff, it worked out nicely that my mom had it early because there was time to go to both families that way. It�s tradition.. and it works. My brother (who is now a Chicago police officer himself) had to work today, so they were unable to come, which was a bit sad, but my sister and her boyfriend were there, and Sherry, Chuck and the girls as well. We were all thrilled to welcome Tonya and her girls into our group, and we just really had a nice time, and a wonderful meal. Mom is such a good cook, and always does a good meal� it was so yummy. I always try to remind myself that we have to eat yet again at Stephen�s mom�s.. but it never keeps me from over-eating, hehe. I guess that is just part of Thanksgiving.

After we ate, and all the dishes were done. Mom asked if we wanted to take the dog for a walk with her. I decided to go, and all the girls wanted to go as well. We ended up walking over to the lake, where one of her neighbors was there playing soccer with his little girls. They invited Maddy, Rachel and June to join in, and they just had a blast running around. The weather was beautiful, and it was a perfect day to play a game. We didn�t stay too long since we still had to get to my MILs house, and Sherry and Chuck needed to get to their next stop as well.

We were pretty late getting back home to our house to pick up the stuff I was taking to my MILs, and so we missed dinner with them. They were still sitting around when we got there though, so we made plates and joined the fun. I think that Tonny was a little nervous about going here, but she did so well, and really seemed to enjoy herself. Stephen�s family can be a bit much to handle, they are so big, and rambunctious, but the girls fit right in and started playing with the other kids, and everyone just had a great time. We hung out there for quite a while and didn�t get home until late. Everyone is tired now, so we are just hanging out and getting ready for bed. Well, Tonya is not having the greatest of nights right now, since Mike is giving her a hard time about anything he can possibly think of, but I am going to just be there to help her through it all, and I am sure that it will be fine. What a great Thanksgiving though. I really have so very much in my life to be thankful for. I am so lucky and I know it. Having Tonya and the girls here for the holidays has just been such a blessing. It has made it that much more special. I hope that she knows how much we all want her around, and how much we all just want to see her be happy. I predict that by next Thanksgiving she is much happier and settled... life is about to get good for her.

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