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Lazy Day
11-28-2003, 9:56 p.m

The plan today was to put up our Christmas decorations, but when it came right down to it, everyone was just enjoying having a lazy day. I still have a bit of a sore-throat and now I have gotten this dumb cough, and everyone else is getting over the same thing, so we just sort of hung out and did nothing much. June is here for the weekend, so the girls have been having fun playing. Last night they put on this play for us all, and it was just so cute. They did a good job, and they had fun, so today they�ve been working on their sequel. I can�t wait to see that, hehe.

Stephen challenged Tonya and I to a game of Payday� and we decided to make it interesting.. the winner didn�t have to make dinner, or clean up afterwards� the 2 losers had to do all the work� and unfortunately Stephen won, lol.. and soaked it up for all it was worth. Actually it as fun, and we really had fun goofing around with it.

We all sat around watching the wolves game tonight, and it really has just been such a lazy day, but it�s been oh so nice, and we�ve all enjoyed it very very much. I think we are going to do the decorations tomorrow. So it�s a day later� I don�t mind� not at all. Can you think of a way to spend a better day-after-thanksgiving? Not me.

Stephen did attempt to go out for a couple of minutes today, and ended up coming right back home. We live right near the mall and he says it is grid-lock out there... so who wants to go anywhere anyway. I tell you.. I am so not a day-after-thanksgiving shopper. I get so claustrophobic in those stores... I would so much rather stay away from that nightmare... no thank you.. not for me, hehe.

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