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Pay-Day Queen
11-29-2003, 10:05 p.m.

Today we put up the Christmas decorations, which was a lot of fun. I always enjoy doing so, but it was even more fun doing so with Tonya and the girls. June always comes over to help, and so she was glad to be there, but she really wasn�t feel good at all, so she didn�t get to do so much. In fact, half way through, I sent her to go take a nap.. she had a fever and was just not feeling good� but she felt a little better when she woke up.

I started a pot of gravy as we were putting up the tree, so by the time we were done, the house smelled so good, and everyone was so hungry. It was a great dinner, and a great day. The Christmas decorations look so nice, and I am enjoying sitting there looking at them.

We had a re-match of the payday challenge tonight, and I won!!!!! Boy did I live that one up, since I had already made dinner (but we hadn�t cleaned yet), Stephen and Tonya headed out to start the dishes, but not before I asked for some popcorn and iced tea�lol. Well, I didn�t get to enjoy too much of the popcorn before the girls decided to get in on my good fortune and share it with me. Then Rachel decided that she wanted to be the *butler*, and have everyone tell her what to do� we all had such a good time playing around with all of that. She made everyone badges saying what their role of the night badge said "I have permission to boss you around tonight, get it?"... I was cracking up! We even got Stephen to exfoliate our feet and put lotion on them� even though he calls it girly stuff. It was a fun fun night.

The only bummer to the whole day was that we didn�t get to go visit Cory, Jim and Andy like we had planned to today. With us not feeling well still, and June having a fever.. it just wasn�t wise� not to mention I don�t think Cory would have opened the door to invite us in. She might have let us look at him through the window though, but that is about it, giggle.

Okay, I have to go take advantage of my status for the night some more... hehe. This is fun.

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