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TIVO Me Baby
11-30-2003, 10:13 p.m.

What a day! Stephen had basketball practice, so Tonya and I laid around watching TIVO, and catching up on tons of shows. Talk about relaxing! We had to force ourselves to get up to get ready to go to Sherry and Chuck�s for dinner. They had invited us since we had to take June home anyway.

Stephen opted not to go with, which was fine with me, although Chuck seemed a little disappointed that he didn�t come. He had the basement all set up for them to watch football together, hehe, awww. Chrissy had her boyfriend come over to meet us, which was nice. He seems like a good kid. I think she is a bit too young to be as serious as she is about a relationship, but I guess it�s not for me to decide. I just hate seeing her grow up too fast, and I really think she is.

When we got home, we decided to watch some more TIVO and so we ended the day much the way we started it. I caught up on lots of stuff though and that was a good thing. I was starting to think that I was going to have to delete it all and start over. I love the TIVO, but it really helps you to be addicted to a lot more shows than you might watch normally, hehe. Not that I am complaining mind you� sometimes a day of laying around watching TV is not a bad thing, giggle. I can't believe though that I didn't get my butt to the gym today... or really any day this weekend. I am going to have to pay for that tomorrow, that is for sure. It's time to get back in gear before I fall totally off track again. A long weekend off is not a bad thing... until you make it a week, and then another.....eek.

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