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Gonna be Quiet Around Here
12-01-2003, 9:38 p.m.

Stephen took Maddy and Rachel to the movies tonight so that Tonny and I could spend some time together before she leaves for Jen�s tomorrow morning. That was sweet, and she and I had a good time going for a long walk and just talking. She is so confused about all the stuff going on in her life, and I know that the next few months are going to be pretty hard on her. I am just glad that she has all of us to help her though. Sometimes I am not sure what is right and what is wrong, and all I do know is that it is hard to see her hurt so much all the time. I just wish that this could be easier for her. I hope that it does get easier than it is at least. Only time will tell.

I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. I really got used to having them around and I am going to miss them a whole bunch. I know that they will only be an hour away now, but it was just nice having them here. I am sure that it will take a couple of days to get back on some sort of track to normalcy for us. Until then, I am going to miss them a lot. Even Stephen has seemed a little blue all day... I think he is already missing the kids... he has had so much fun with them this week. It's been a great week for everyone. I am so glad that we had this chance.

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